Page 36 of Pretty Dependable

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“Yes, I know that,” I confirm. She loves his movies because they make her laugh, and she always says she’d much rather laugh and smile than cry when she’s watching television or movies.

“So that’s a great option, almost as if it was meant to be,” Brody states. “Plus, Miss Molly’s is open later on Saturdays, so you can probably grab some ice cream at the end of the movie. They’ll probably even have plenty of your nasty favorite pistachio, because no one else orders it.”

I bark out a laugh that echoes throughout the trees. “That’s a low blow. I don’t tease you for putting pineapple on pizza.”

“Pineapple is amazing on pizza,” he insists with a big grin. “So? What do you say? Wanna take my mom out Saturday night? She’ll say yes if you ask her. I know it.”

I was just blindsided by a seventeen-year-old.

And honestly, I’m not sure she will. I recall the fear in her eyes after I kissed her. Not because she wasn’t enjoying the kiss, but simply for the fact she’s afraid. Afraid of ruining the relationship we’ve built over the last many years, and I get it. Truly. Her friendship means more to me than just about anything in this world, and I never want to risk that.


I can’t stop thinking about that kiss.

About how my entire body was alive, energized, for the first time in…well, ever. No kiss before that one exists anymore. All I see, all I feel, all I want is her. I was fully prepared to tamp it down, beat my desire for one of my dearest friends into submission, but now? How do I do that when her son is sitting across from me, asking me to take her out?

Especially when all I want to do is just that.

“I guess I just want to finish by saying,” he pauses, holding my gaze with determination and grit, “if anyone is going to date my mom, I really want it to be you.” His words are almost a whisper by the time he reaches the end of his statement.

I’m completely speechless as I try to wrap my head around the direction this conversation has taken. Not for a second did I expect this, but now that he’s said his piece, a bubble of excitement and maybe a little hope has appeared in my chest. I’ve thought about the day I ask Ellie out and she accepts a million times, but this is the first time since high school I’ve actually considered asking.

Leaning forward, I place my elbows on my knees and hold his gaze. “Well, let me start off by saying, I’m honored you’d think I would make a good fit to date your mom. She’s everything you said she is, I don’t disagree with that one bit.”

“But you’re going to let me down easy now, aren’t you,” he says, looking completely dejected.

“I should,” I reply, a lump forming in my throat. “But I’m not.”

He looks up so fast, he practically gives himself whiplash. “Really?”

I exhale deeply and decide to give him my truth. He deserves it after speaking his. “I like your mom, Brode. I always have. She’s one of my closest friends, but…the girl I told you about in high school? The one I wanted to date, but someone got there first? That was your mom.”

He grins from ear to ear. “I knew it.”

“I’ve always wondered what would happen if we gave it a shot, but I know a big part of the reason she keeps me at arm’s length is because of you. She knows how much my friendship means to you too, and she’d never want to jeopardize that.”

“I respect that, but I still think you should ask. If it doesn’t work out, then fine. I’m man enough not to let it come between our friendship too,” Brody insists, looking and sounding much older than his young seventeen years. “As long as you were good to her. If you weren’t then I’d have to kick your ass.”

I hold a straight face, even if a part of me wants to crack a grin. He’s completely serious, and I know he’d do whatever it took to defend Ellie, even throw a punch at me. “I understand, but please know I’d never do anything to hurt your mom. Ever.”

He swallows hard, and if I’m not mistaken, tears fill his eyes. “I do know. That’s why it has to be you.”

I give him a nod. A promise. “All right, Brody. If you’re okay with me asking your mom out, I’d be honored to, but not because you suggested it. I’ll ask because I want to—have wanted to for a long time. Hearing you give me permission means a lot to me, and I know it will to her too, but just keep an open mind here, okay? We’ve been friends a long time, so she might not be ready to step over that line and go on a date with me. If that happens, I’m all right with it.”

He nods quickly. “I will be too, but you should definitely try.”

“Okay, I will.”

He exhales in relief and leans back in his chair. “Good. Great. So, what do you think about Saturday night? Do you like my ideas or want more suggestions?”

This time, I do chuckle. “I think I’m good, B. Thanks for the tips, though. But I do have to admit, I don’t know about next weekend, okay? My sister and her family are coming here for the weekend.”

“Oh, that’s right. I forgot. But maybe the weekend after that,” he encourages.

We sit in silence for several minutes, both of us lost in our own thoughts. Mine flash to when we get home, to the moment I ask her to go to dinner with me. Sure, I could come up with a few ideas of my own for our date, but I do admit, Brody has put a lot of thought into this and his suggestions are on point.

My nervousness isn’t about asking her, it’s in not knowing what her answer will be. Will she be willing to give us a shot or is it too big of a risk for her to take? I know which way I hope she’ll be leaning, but I’m not confident it’ll happen that way.
