Page 37 of Pretty Dependable

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“All right, I gotta use the bathroom,” he says, jumping up and heading for the cabin.

“Wait, I thought we were roughing it tonight. No cabin privileges,” I state with a cheeky grin.

“Yeah, well that was before I ate four hot dogs and drank the whole bottle of Coke. I’m not going to the bathroom outside,” he insists, opening the door and stepping inside the cabin.

Well, good. Maybe he won’t be so mad at me in the morning when I go inside for the cup of coffee I already set the timer on the pot to brew.

Smiling, I lean back in my chair and watch the fire flicker. This evening hasn’t exactly gone the way I anticipated it.

It’s been better.

Chapter Eleven


The apartment is quiet. Too quiet.

There have been dozens of times I’ve been alone, but for some reason, this night hits a little differently. I know he’s safe and probably having the time of his life, just because he’s with TD.

After they completed their work in the cabin, Brody called me to check in. TD was getting the fire going, and they had just finished pitching their tent and getting everything settled inside for the night. He was thrilled to be spending the night outside, and I’m certain a big part of the appeal is TD.

Now, I’m home from my dinner with Hallie and pacing the small living room floor. I don’t know why I’m so anxious, but I am. Probably because of the conversation surrounding TD. Her mentioning everyone notices him watching me or thinking he has a crush on me is still swirling around in my head like a tornado of emotions.

I replay a few scenarios where TD seemed to be a little…attentive. He always comes over and says hello after football games, before he meets with his coaching staff to run through any issues that needed addressed from the game. He doesn’t just drop Brody off at home following a practice or lifting. He always walks him up and says hello. And he makes sure I eat too. Case in point, he stopped by the park on Monday and brought me lunch.

But even with those few examples, I’m not sure I’m willing to risk our friendship to find out if it’s more. What if it fizzles out or one of us has stronger feelings than the other? The last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt him, and I’m certain he feels the same way. We’ve been friends too long.

Plus, I’m not one to take a lot of risks in life.

Except for Brody. He was my biggest risk by not following through on my parents’ demands, insisting I was ruining my life and probably that of a helpless baby.

My phone pings with a notification, so I put all thoughts of that last big fight with my parents out of my head and retrieve the device. I smile immediately when I see a text from TD.

TD: Brody already broke his first rule of camping and went to use the bathroom in the cabin. Wonder if I can convince him to just crash in there too. I know my back would appreciate it.

Me: See? Nothing about camping sounds like fun. No way would I want to go to the bathroom outside when there’s a perfectly good toilet available inside.

TD: Nothing sounds like fun? One word. Smores.

My mouth practically waters at the thought. Toasted marshmallow and melted chocolate between two pieces of graham crackers? Yeah, that might be the only thing listed in the plus column for me.

Me: You play dirty.

TD: *insert laughing emoji*

Me: How’s it going?

TD: Pretty good. Just relaxing by the fire for a bit before we hit the hay.

Images of TD sprawled out and sleeping, long, muscular legs taking up a big part of the air mattress fill my mind. What would it be like to be cuddled by his strong arms, drawn into his broad chest, and held tightly as I drift off to sleep?


Don’t go there, Ellie, or you’ll never get that image out of your head.

Too late.

TD: I should have thought of this sooner, El. Brody seems to be having a great time and is completely at ease.
