Page 38 of Pretty Dependable

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Me: It’s not like you don’t have a lot of other stuff going on. I glad he’s having fun too.

TD: We both are.

Me: Good.

TD: How was your dinner with Hallie?

Me: It was good, but aren’t you supposed to be roughing it right now? Cell phones are probably not allowed.

TD: Are you kidding? I’m with a teenage boy. Of course phones are allowed. Though, he hasn’t been on his much. Just posted a few pics on that Snap-whatever-it’s-called.

Me: I hate that app, but he’s usually pretty respectable with it.

TD: He really hasn’t been on his phone. He’s soaking up the entire experience.

Me: Thank you, TD. It really warms my heart that he’s able to do things like camping with you.

TD: I love that boy too, El.

A huge lump forms in my throat, making it hard to swallow. It’s probably a good thing I’m texting, because there’s no way I could talk right now. Hearing him say he loves my son is almost too much for this mom-heart to take.

Before I can reply, he fires back with another text.

TD: Alright, I should get off here. I just got in trouble. *insert laughing emoji*

Me: Enjoy! And take care of my boy.

TD: You don’t have to worry about anything, El. I’ve got him.

Me: I know you do. Be safe.

TD: Always. See you in the afternoon.

Me: Can’t wait.

And I realize immediately, I can’t. I’m excited to hear all about their little trip, anticipating the moment they both return to share their stories. I know Brody has to work, but perhaps I can invite TD to come back for dinner, and we can eat, just the three of us.

As a family.

I shake my head, trying to dislodge that thought and send it to exile. We’re not a family, and the last thing I need is to entertain that idea.

Placing my phone on the charger on my nightstand, I decide this is the perfect opportunity to finish reading my book. I retrieve the hardback book and move toward the bathroom. I’m not a bath person, but sometimes I do enjoy one every now and again when the opportunity strikes.

Filling up the tub with hot water, I add a lavender scented bath salt shoved way to the back of the small closet in the hallway. I’m certain it’s been close to a decade since I purchased it, but these things don’t expire, right?

Hopefully not.

I strip down and slide into the water, the fragrant salts and warmth soothing my muscles almost instantly. For a little while, I just lie back, my eyes closed, and relax. I try to keep my mind blank, but those images of TD keep replaying over and over again to the point I can’t escape them, despite my insistence I try. He doesn’t strike me as the cuddling type, but something tells me that man would surprise even me.

Not that I’d ever find out for sure.

I force myself to think about this upcoming week. I’m scheduled to work Tuesday through Thursday, giving myself Friday off then working again over the weekend. Brody’s game is home, which I’m grateful for, but it’s also the holiday weekend—the last big summer send-off, as the locals call it. Our small town will be filled with tourists, all trying to enjoy one last weekend at the lake, camping, riding, fishing, or boating. It’s bound to be a crazy busy weekend, which means despite the toll it will take on my body, the tips should be good.

Grabbing the book, I flip the page to where I left off, and spend the next thirty minutes reading. I try to make sure the pages stay dry, but if I move much at all, there might be a splash or two of water meeting the paper. I refuse to stress about it though.

When my fingers and toes are pruny, I set the book on the toilet, release the drain, and carefully climb from the tub. Grabbing the towel on the shelf above the stool, I dry off before wrapping it around my body, picking up the book, and heading for my bedroom.

While standing in the middle of my small room, looking down at the pajamas I had already laid out this morning, I realize I’m all alone tonight. I could sleep naked if I wanted to. There’s no one here to witness it. But then my brain is assaulted with thoughts of a fire. What if I had to escape quickly and wasn’t wearing clothes? Or what if Brody came home early because he wasn’t feeling well and found his mom without a stitch of clothing on?
