Page 39 of Pretty Dependable

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Yeah, not happening.

Reaching for the comfortable pajama set, I slip on the top and shorts and flip off the overhead light, leaving the side table light on. Once I’m settled in bed, I grab my book, intending to finish it. There’s only about fifty pages left, which should be easy to complete, especially having no interruptions. However, my brain has other ideas when it conjures up more images of TD sleeping naked.

Yeah, this might be a long, sleepless night.

“Honey, I’m home!” Brody yells as he crosses the threshold of the apartment, grinning from ear to ear.

“How was it?” I ask, reaching for his overnight bag.

“I got it, Mom,” he replies, waving off my attempt to help. “It was amazing. We woke up early this morning and went fishing. I caught a decent-sized northern pike and three walleye, so TD taught me how to clean them. It was awesome, but you wouldn’t like it. Lots of blood, and the fish are watching you the whole time.”

I shiver in disgust as TD enters the kitchen, laughing. “Don’t make her pass out, Brode. You know how your mom is with the sight of blood.”

“True. TD and I will stick to the fish cleaning. Don’t worry, Mom.” He turns to the man behind him. “Thanks again, TD. I had the best time.”

TD grins back at my son. “Me too, B. We’ll go again soon. Promise.”

“Cool.” Brody throws his duffel bag over his shoulder. “I’m going to run and get ready for work.”

“Leave your dirty laundry by the washer and I’ll start a load shortly,” I tell him.

“Thanks, Mom. You’re the best,” he replies, taking a few steps my way and throwing his long arms around my shoulders. He places a kiss on my forehead before releasing his hold on me, throwing his coach a wave, and heading off to his bedroom.

I give my full attention to the man in front of me. He looks…wow. His blue jeans are slightly dirty, as if he was rubbing the dirt off his hands on his legs, and his blue T-shirt hugs his muscular arms and torso to perfection. His chiseled jaw is full of stubble, which makes my thighs clench, and even though there’s a hint of exhaustion, his dark brown eyes are bright with excitement. I can see why all the women fawn over him like they do; I’m just not used to myself being one of them.

“Did you have a good night?” he asks, the deep timbre of his voice vibrating through my veins like a tornado of pleasure.

Clearing my throat, I press those thoughts aside. “Yes, very good. I slept hard for a solid nine hours,” I reply, still shocked by that fact.

He takes a step closer, the scent of outdoors mixing with his distinctive deodorant smell. Sandalwood with fresh air. I never expected something like deodorant to tickle my senses this way, but here I am, trying to refrain from leaning forward and taking a big ol’ whiff near his armpits. “That’s because you needed the rest, El. You work long, hard hours, on your feet the entire time.”

“Not the entire time,” I mumble, even though we both know I do.

“Mmhmm. Listen, Brody and I were talking, how about you both come over for dinner tonight. I’ll cook up the fish we caught this morning, and we can tell you all about our excursion.”

My heart does this weird flip-flop in my chest at the prospect of going to TD’s house. I’m not there nearly as much as he’s here, but it’s a great little place with a big backyard and a breakfast nook. I always thought that’d be the perfect spot for a bit of family time before the day gets underway.

“What can I bring?”

“Just you,” he replies, his voice low and gravelly. Then, he clears his throat, and adds, “I’ll whip up a few sides too, and I’ve got plenty of drinks.”

“I don’t mind,” I start, but he’s already shaking his head.

“You include me plenty in your meals with Brody, El, so let me do this.”

The intensity in his brown eyes makes my throat dry and my heart skip a beat. “All right.”

“Good. Why don’t you come early? We can hang out and talk,” he suggests.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “Is something wrong?”

Shaking his head, TD sniggers. “No, El, nothing is wrong. I just enjoy your company.”

“Oh.” I take a deep, calming breath. “Okay, yeah. Sorry, you know how I am with worrying about anything and everything,” I add with an awkward chuckle.

He reaches forward and takes the strand of hair hanging near my cheek and pushes it behind my ear. The light brush of his finger against my skin sends my heart beating like a drum at a rock concert. “Yeah, El, I know.” There’s a faint smile on his lips.

Have his lips always looked that…kissable?
