Page 45 of Pretty Dependable

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Blair: A date? Yay!!

Hallie: With who?

Blair: Why are you freaking out?

Me: Please don’t freak out…

Because I’m kinda freaking out…

Me: TD asked me out.

Hallie: OH! MY! GAWDDDDDDD!!! I knew it!!

Blair: I’m so excited for you!!

Me: I might throw up.

Blair: No, honey, why?

Me: What if…everything goes wrong?

Blair: But what if everything goes right?

Hallie: Yep, what she said. I’m so excited this is finally happening.

Me: I’m still not sure this is the right move, but I’m willing to give it a shot. He promised we would always be friends if it didn’t work out.

Hallie: It’ll totally work out. You two are going to be so stinking cute together.

Me: I don’t know about that.

Blair: I agree with Hallie. What are you going to wear? Where are you going?

Me: That’s just it. I have nothing in my closet date worthy. Everything I have is made for comfort or Friday night football games.

Hallie: We’ve got you. Between my closet and Blair’s, we’re sure to find something that works.

I exhale and close my eyes for a brief moment. Thank goodness for good friends. I know Hallie has a ton of clothes in her guest bedroom closet she doesn’t wear anymore. When she dated Curtis, he was always shopping for her, and most of it she didn’t find to her taste. Only to his. And Blair lived in Chicago for years, so she’s sure to have a top or something that’ll work.

Me: No dresses. I want to feel comfortable, especially since I have to work until two that day.

Hallie: Got it. We’ll come up with great options for you. We’ll be there at four. Does that give you time to shower and shave all your lady bits?

My lady bits are suddenly paying close attention to the conversation.

Blair: Don’t overthink it, Ellie.

Me: Too late.

Hallie: Stop. Just breathe, El. There’s no need to stress about this. It’s TD.

Me: Or that’s all the more reason to overstress.

Hallie: *insert eye-roll emoji*

Blair: We’ll be to your apartment at four. We can help with hair and makeup too.

I take a deep breath and slowly let it out.
