Page 90 of Pretty Dependable

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Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the box again, and walk it over to where he sits. I don’t know what he has planned, but I know I can trust him with this important moment. He’s as much a part of this as Ellie or me, and it feels fitting to have him take the lead on my proposal.

It’s the three of us against the world.

We’re a team.

Now and forever.


I pull down the dirt path that leads to Logan’s cabin. I can’t help but wonder why their sudden change of plans with the insistence I come out and stay with them. I was just starting to fill the bathtub and lighting a few scented candles. I had my book all ready to go. But then the text came from Brody, insisting I pack a bag and come out and camp with them. I was going to tell him no, to enjoy the one-on-one time with TD, but he begged for me to come and make it a party of three.

Plus, they’re staying in the cabin, which means I won’t have to sleep in a tent surrounded by bugs.

When I reach the clearing, I find both TD and Brody around a small fire. I park my car and climb out, both men rushing toward me. Brody grabs my bag, while TD plasters his lips to mine, kissing me breathlessly the way he always seems to do.

“Good evening,” he whispers, his warm breath tickling my cool face.


“Come on, Mom. Let’s go inside where it’s warm.”

I shake my head and look up at TD. “I was a little surprised to be getting an invite to boys’ camping night.”

He shrugs, not giving anything away. “Maybe he missed you?”

I snort a laugh. “Right. An almost eighteen-year-old boy misses his mommy the first camping trip of the season? I doubt it,” I state. Brody’s birthday is next month. He’ll be continuing to work through the summer at the grocery store before starting college in the fall for his criminal justice degree.

TD shrugs again as we reach the front door to the cabin. He holds it open, allowing me to step inside first. The fireplace is roaring, the warmth of the fire wrapping around me and soothing my cool skin. There are also flameless candles sitting on the mantle, as well as the end tables. I remember Logan replacing them not too long ago, making sure he keeps those and lanterns stocked up in case of power outages.

“Can you have a seat? There’s something I wanted to talk to you about,” Brody says after returning from the hallway, most likely from placing my overnight bag in the master bedroom.

I take a seat on the couch, perching at the edge of the cushion. There’s a fresh wave of nervousness sweeping through me, as I wait to find out what’s going on.

TD sits beside me and entwines our fingers together. It’s both comforting and creates extra insecurities, as it makes me think something bad is about to happen.

“Okay, so I’ll get right to the point of why I wanted you to come out here, Mom. I’ve been doing some thinking lately. I know I’m about to turn eighteen and graduate, and maybe it doesn’t really matter much in the grand scheme of things, but I’ve been thinking about my last name.”

My heart? It stops beating in my chest.

“What?” I ask, my mind flashing to Rusty and the fact I didn’t put him down on the birth certificate all those years ago. Does he want to change his name to Davidson?

“Breathe, El,” TD whispers, lightly stroking the top of my hand with his thumb.

“Don’t freak out, Mom.”

I nod, but it’s hard to not freak out right now. Not with my son wanting to talk about changing his last name.

“Anyway, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking over the last few months. My last name means everything to me. It’s a link to you. You’ve been my rock my entire life, and even though you never wanted me to see it, I know we struggled at times. A lot. But at the end of the day, I was always proud to be Brody Daniels, and I still am.

“But there’s another last name I wouldn’t mind having now. It’s one that means just as much to me as Daniels does and signifies a new beginning.”

He walks toward me and hands me a small box.

With shaking hands, I reach up and take it from him. I don’t open it because I’m still trying to process what in the world is happening right now.

TD reaches over and takes the box, slowly lifting the lid. Inside is the most beautiful diamond ring I’ve ever seen. A small gasp spills from my lips as I gaze down at it. It’s in that moment, I realize TD had moved. He’s kneeling in front of me, taking the ring between his two fingers and placing it at the tip of my finger.

“El, I have been in love with you my entire adult life. You’re my best friend, my person. Every day I’m with you is better than the last, and all I want to do is create new memories with you.” He glances over to Brody. “I brought this ring with me this weekend so I could ask Brody for your hand in marriage. He told me yes right away. Actually, he told me first that I should marry you,” he adds with a chuckle.
