Page 89 of Pretty Dependable

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After making sure everything is put away, I grab the small box from my bag and head back outside to the fire. I take my seat once more, finding it harder to get comfortable. My nerves have me worked up. Honestly, you’d think I was about to ask his mom to marry me, not have a simple conversation with him about the prospect.

Just as I go to open my mouth to start the conversation, he asks, “Can I say something?”

“Sure,” I reply, my heart thundering like a snare drum in my chest.

“I think you should marry my mom.”

A flashback to the time last fall he said almost the exact same thing, except referring to me dating her, dances through my mind. I can’t help but smile. “Yeah?”

He nods. “Hear me out,” he starts, adjusting himself in his seat to face me head-on. “You know how amazing she is, right? I mean, you wouldn’t have asked her to move in if you didn’t, and she’s happier than I’ve ever seen her when she’s with you. Like crazy-happy, TD. It’s sometimes sickening the way you two are always kissing and stuff, but that’s beside the point. The point is,” he says, taking a deep breath and holding my gaze. “I’d love for you to marry her.”

I grin back at the most remarkable young man to set foot in my life. “I think you’re right.”

He seems a little shocked for a moment, as if he was prepared to spend more time convincing me. “You do?”

“Yep. Do you remember when I told you I regretted not asking that girl out back in high school? Well, I refuse to have any more regrets where that woman is concerned. I want to marry her, and that’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about tonight. I have a ring, and I’d love your blessing to give it to your mom.”

Brody jumps up. “Yes, you’ve got it.” He walks around the fire and throws his arms around me just as I stand up to meet him.

I hug him back, something we tend to do often. I don’t care that we’re both guys. If my boy wants a hug, he gets a hug, and it doesn’t matter what age he is.

When he releases his hold, I pull the small box out of my pocket and hand it to him. He carefully opens the lid and smiles down at the small solitaire diamond nestled in the blue velvet. “Cool.”

“I went with something classic and timeless, like her.”

“She’s gonna love it,” Brody assures me.

“Yeah, okay. Good.” I take the ring box back and slip it into my pocket once more.

“When are you going to give it to her?”

I shrug, reclaiming my chair around the fire. “I’m not sure yet.”

Suddenly, as if an idea hits him, he reaches for his phone. “Tonight,” he says, firing off a series of text messages that causes his phone to chime repeatedly.

“Tonight?” I ask, suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed and panicky.

He looks over at me. “Yeah. Why not?”

“I…” but no words come out. He’s right. Why not tonight?

“She’s on her way,” he says with a wide smile as he drops his phone onto his lap.

I release another long breath, my mind spinning. “I wasn’t planning on this tonight. It’s our guys’ camping night.”

“I know, but I think this’ll be better. Besides, you can’t tell me you haven’t missed her the whole time we’ve been here. Plus, we’ll get another night soon when the weather actually lets us camp outside in the tent again. That’ll be guys only.”

Smiling, I nod in agreement.

“So, how are you going to ask her?”

“I don’t know yet,” I reply with a laugh. I’ve thought of the moment I’d ask Ellie to be my wife but have never given one thought as to what I’d actually say.

“Do you trust me?” Brody asks with a grin.

“Of course.”

He reaches out his hand. “Then let me have the ring and follow my lead.”
