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She cries out as I turn around and leave her alone, disappearing through the thick bushes that lead to my house. My eyes are stinging, tears slowly trailing down my cheek with each step that puts distance between us, but I never once turn back around to look at her.

I’d be surprised if she ever found a way to forgive me.

“I love you,” I whisper into the night before stepping onto my front porch and pushing through the door.

A loudbangyanks me from the memory and I glance around, watching as Amanda bends down to grab whatever fell on the ground, before pushing away from the wall. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since that night happened, it never stops haunting me.

I walk into the break room where a few of the other officers are lounging engaged in their own conversations, and come to a stop at the fridge with a frown.

“It’s sad, man,” Harrison says behind me, his eyes cast onto Breaker across from him. “Mr. Gentry has always been the heart of this town and what’s happened to him sucks.”

Breaker nods and lets out a rough sigh. “Have you heard how he’s doing?”

Harrison shakes his head. “No, only that he’s still in the hospital and they are monitoring his heart for a few more days before he can go back home.”

I don’t stay next to them to hear the rest, instead opting to head back to my desk and enjoy my lunch there. They aren’t wrong though. Savanna’s father is one of the town’s favorite people and I’m surprised I didn’t hear about something happening to him sooner. In a small town like this, not much can get past the nosy residents as they thrive on gossip which is why I’m not surprised when Gage, my best friend, walks over to me with a smirk on his face.

“Have something you want to tell me, Travis?” It’s never good when he uses my last name like that.

I shrug and avert my gaze from his, focusing on the computer screen in front of me. “Nope, not that I can recall.”

He nods. “There’s not a certain someone you want to tell me about?”

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Reeves, but please stop talking nonsense.”

“Come on, bro, we both know you know who I’m talking about. The town has been going crazy since she pulled into town, andthe four-one-one is that a certain police officer pulled her over today.”

I growl in frustration. Is it too much to ask that people mind their own business every once in a while? “Yes, I did, Gage, but that’s not anyone else’s concern.”

He whistles at the bite in my voice. “Seems like someone got his panties in a bunch. Does a certain Gentry have something to do with that?”

“Gage, I’m not in the mood, man.”

“Fine, fine. But one more question — how did she look?”

That’s not something I’m going to answer, for him or anyone else, but there’s no denying that she looked ethereal even with her hair piled onto her head. Her glasses were falling down her nose when I pulled her over and it’s like she couldn’t feel them slipping down. I almost reached out and pushed them up for her. Even though she was looking at me with anger in her gaze, the green of her eyes was still just as bright as I remember them being and now I’m going to think of her every time I look at the grass.

Who am I kidding?

There hasn’t been a day since I broke her heart, right along with my own, that I haven’t thought about her. I’ve even gone as far as stalking her on social media, but my one saving grace was being able to get information about her from the townspeople.Mr. Gentry loved nothing more than bragging about both of his kids, so it makes sense that he would walk around town spilling the beans about Savanna to anyone who would listen.

After growing up in Maple Creek, everyone was always more than eager to gain insider information on the Gentry kids.

I wonder what everyone is going to say about Savanna being here, considering she hasn’t stepped foot in town since we graduated, and I’m finding myself wanting to stick up for her.

“Yo, Earth to Dawson!” Gage says loudly, waving a hand in front of my face to gain my attention.

I narrow my eyes at him and shake my head. “I’m not answering any of your stupid questions.”

“That's enough of an answer for me,” he says with a smirk as he pushes away from my desk and heads to his.

The rest of the day moves along uneventfully until I’m leaving for the night and Amanda is leaning against the glass door with a smile on her face. “Dawson, I was hoping I’d catch you before my ride got here. Got any plans tonight?” Judging by the way she pops her hip out as she asks the question, I’m assuming she wants to be part of my plans, but that’s not about to happen.

“Just heading home for some rest. It’s much needed after the day I’ve had.”

She moves closer to me and places her hand on my bicep. “I could keep you company if you want. You seemed to enjoy it a couple of weeks ago.”

I hate how right she is. It was a moment of weakness after a night out with the rest of the guys where Amanda also happened to be, and we ended up going back to my place. Don’t get me wrong, Amanda is a beautiful woman, but she’s got nothing on Savanna and the last thing I want is to bring someone into my bed tonight.
