Page 26 of Dragon Heat

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A dark line rose out of the distance, bisecting the sea and sky and the small form in the air dipped and dove for the water.

He grinned.

He had her scent; he would soon have her taste too.

As soon as they were within human sight distance, he drove the trio down into the water sliding through the ocean toward the islands.

He continued swimming once the momentum began to drag, then surfaced enough to draw breath.

In the distance, he could make out the crescent of sandy beach dotted with people.

While in the water, he couldn’t tell if she kept going straight or if she broke away and veered off in one direction or another.

His men broke away to pursue each option as he continued forward toward the populated beach. Once he reached the land shelf he shifted into human form, swimming forward until he blended with the humans.

He slowed his pace only stopping when he reached waist height in the water. He was bare, as would she be.

Would she risk emerging naked?

He scanned the space trying to pick her out of the crowded beach and laughed.

It was a hedonistic resort.

Striding forward, his eyes scanned the people, trying to pick her out, ignoring the appreciative glances the human women were training on him.

While their shapes were pleasing, he was fully focused on finding his dragon woman.

His nostrils flared, hoping to pick up residual scents of her despite her human form.

He couldn’t smell her anymore.

He stopped to scan again.

Had she come this way? He couldn’t be sure, as soon as they shifted to human form, the scent was masked, and the trail went thin.


There were too many here. His head swung from side to side, trying to hone in on the right woman, but there were none alone. They were in pairs, groups or with men.

“Hey there, luv, want to join us for a drink?”

His head jerked toward the voice. A bottle blond eyed him up, taking her time. Her gaze trailed and lingered over his groin before flicking up to his face.

Would she be so bold to confront him directly?

The woman stood before him, barbells through her nipples and a diamond in the dimple of her belly button, a thin tattoo spiraled up her ankle. She had several friends looking on with interest.

“Come on, have some fun,” she said, shifting her body in invitation toward the small group. There were a couple of guys with them.

“Some other time.” He winked at her and turned toward the path that led back to the resort.

Striding up the incline, he drew a deep breath, nostrils wide. Only ripe human and sunscreen lotion and alcohol.


He hoped Clive and Merwin were able to track her.

He wandered through the complex like he was a resident, smiling at random women that showed interest in him, and even a few good-looking men. He continued wandering, determined to find her.
