Page 47 of Dragon Heat

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Jori was struggling to absorb Odson’s words. Paranormal community?

“She never returned,” Kolina said.

Odson shook his head, “Some weeks after she left, she showed up at my door looking like hell.” He swallowed hard, keeping his eyes on the queen. “She’d been captured and force-mated until it took hold.”

The queen snarled, rising from her seat, and began pacing.

Jori’s heart had stopped. Force mated? Raped?

“Continue.” the queen snapped.

“I don’t know if they let her go, or if she escaped them. I just know she didn’t want to come back here in case they followed her back.”

The queen stopped pacing, her face blanching. “Why you?”

Odson straightened his shoulders. “During our time getting to know one another, I had told her I didn’t prescribe to their ways. That’s why I was at Black River in the first place.”

The queen seemed to accept this.

“She asked me to help her find a place in the city. She refused to stay with me in case they came looking for her, and she wasn’t wrong. They showed up within days after she left. I helped her get a job and a place in the city where she could blend in.” He drew a breath then, his eyes returning to Jori, “She met your father there.”

Unformed thoughts slithered down the back of his brain.

“They fell in love; the bond began threading.”

“Do you know if she told him the truth?”

Odson shrugged, “Yeah. She asked me to come in case he freaked out.”

“Freak out, why?” Jori asked.

“About what she was,” Kymri whispered.

“And what you were going to be.” Odson said to Jori.

What the fuck?

“Jonathan knew she was pregnant, he accepted that.”

Jori blinked. ‘...force-mated until it took hold.’ His stomach rolled over. Jonathan Mountainside wasn’t his father. Some unknown rapist was. Was this why his relationship with him fell apart after his mother disappeared?

Jori’s voice shook, “So you’re telling me that he isn’t my father? That my mother was raped by some sick fuck?”

Odson nodded.

Jori swallowed down the bile, his fists clenching hard. Kymri’s grip on his hand tightened and he eased his grasp of her fingers.

“And the rest?” The queen prompted.

“We’d gone out of the city for this and found an abandoned campground.”

“How did he handle it?”

Odson’s mouth quirked at the corner, “Once he regained consciousness, it took a few minutes, but he otherwise handled it rather well, considering. She couldn’t hold it long though, the pregnancy was taking a lot out of her, so she made me do it too.”

“Do what?” Jori’s voice erupted from his throat.

“Shift,” Kymri said softly from beside him.
