Page 64 of Dragon Heat

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The male dragon chuckled.

Kymri could feel her own dragon paying attention.

“Your sire will be pleased to see you.”

Jori remained silent.

“I don’t think he’s all that interested in your king,” Kymri said. She felt the slight clench of his hand around hers.

“Oh, he will be,” his eyes gleamed with maliciousness, “especially when he meets the king’s consort.”

If she’d been human, Jori’s hand would have crushed hers. He seemed to realize how hard he was squeezing, and his fist jerked open, releasing her.

“Really? Anyone I know? I would love to meet a woman that could stand to be around a king for longer than a few hours. Unless of course, she’s being inspired to stick around,” she said holding up her shackles and giving her wrists a little wriggle.

“Shut it,” the thug called Clive snapped at her, stepping toward her.

The talkative guy held up a hand. “You left that mark on her face?”

“Stenlen, she was being difficult.”

Stenlen sighed. “Merwin, explain to Clive again why we don’t hit the dragon ladies.”

“Makes them difficult,” Merwin said.

“Great, now that’s explained, shall we go?” He gestured forward, sweeping his hand toward the exterior of the van, and moving aside to make room for them to exit.

Kymri moved toward the doors, but Jori gripped her hand, searching her face.

“It’s the only way to find her. Besides, Odson’s got his friend helping us,” she said softly. She hoped that actually meant something.

Expression set, he moved out ahead of her, then held out a hand to help her out. They both knew she didn’t need the help despite the circumstances, she smiled at him.

They were led to a waiting plane on a small tarmac, where a crew member signaled the pilot to prepare as soon as they came into sight. The door was barely closed and they were rolling out to the runway. Kymri had never needed help flying before and she disliked it immensely. Jori seemed nonplussed by the situation.

She strained at her shackles to stretch her wings freely. Being at the mercy of someone else’s flight habits was torture. Her dragon rumbled with discontent for the duration of the journey.

This was worse than the car.

We’ll get out of this. We’ll get out of this. We’ll get out of this.

They had to find a way out. Or she’ll have just handed Jori over to the dragon king that Elora had spent the last two decades protecting him from.

She studied his profile. He was looking out the small window, lost to his thoughts.

She wondered what they were. Surely, he was at least a little bit curious.

She’d never met her own sire. She didn’t even know if he was dragon, human or other. Kolina never said a word about him. Kymri spent most of her life trying not to be curious but deep down it ate at her, fueling some of the resentment toward her mother.

She tried to imagine what Jori was feeling, not sure that she could, really. He grew up as a human chasing myths, only to find out they were real, and they were part of his heritage. He’d lost his mother only to discover she wasn’t dead. Instead, she was living in captivity surrounded by the deadliest species on the planet. In order to keep him safe.

And here he was going into the dragon’s den itself.

No, she couldn’t imagine, not really.

She was scared, and she spent her life as a guardian for her people. Jori was an adventurer, not a warrior.

Until now. He would have to learn to be. Fast.
