Page 75 of Oracle

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“Leave them alone, Lexi!” That one was my brother, Lark.

“He’ll remember this later, you know.” And Maggie was in our corner. Yea, Maggie!

“Who’s going to win the fight? Wanna place bets?” Ha! James went for the gold.

A voice I didn’t recognize stated quietly. “Soren. He does, most of the time.”

Before I could identify who it was, Lexi had flung the door open and was rushing towards us. My mate turned us just enough that she slammed into his back.

“Ooomph!” She fell to the floor and then bounced back up on her feet. “It’s time to eat, and Holden won’t serve us until we are all downstairs. She overrode Maggie on this.” The girl actually whined.

Leaning to the side, I studied the girl for the first time, my eyes widening. “Hey, girl! Look at you!” I pulled away from Soren and stepped closer to his sister, taking her hands in mine. “Wow. Just wow! My brother must be so happy right now.”

Lark peeked through the door. “Indeed, I am. Those two went to the same planet that Betta had gotten lost on to mature faster. They were tired of being younger than us.”

I threw Soren a saucy grin over my shoulder. “I imagine so. They have really great genes, though. They both are gorgeous!” I play-acted, putting one index finger down on something and then shaking it, making a hissing sound.

Soren laughed, grabbing for me. I danced out of his reach, gazing over at the other couple.

Lexi struck a pose for a minute. Lark reached out and tickled her ribs, causing her to collapse into giggles. “Come on. There’s so much going on here. The woman who came here with you, Lily? She is the sister of a man we met on that planet and brought back with us! And both of them are related to Holden!”

“No! Belesh found her brother? Which one?” Taking her arm, I pulled her towards the stairs. Peering over my shoulder once again, I gave Soren a little wink before going down with Lexi. The two boys followed us, whispering.

“Well, Tamerin has this book. He says it’s for someone.” She paused, her head swinging to stare at me. “Wait. Is it for you? I mean, it’s all about prophecies and you are an oracle…” She raised her eyebrows at me.

Now I was curious to see it. “Does he have it here with him?”

“Duh!” She slipped out of my arm and leaped down several of the last steps, shouting. “Tamerin! Where’s your book?”

I followed her, looking around our living room. Lexi had disappeared, going into either the kitchen or the dining room. Lying across most of the floor beyond the couch, though, was something—or someone—I recognized. At least their mental signature.

“Hello, there. I met you once, in my dreamland, didn’t I?”

Soren came up behind me, one hand on my back. He seemed to enjoy touching me and I was happy to have him do it.

“Lily, this is Renth. Renth, this is my mate, Lilianne, or Lily, as we all call her.” He pulled me closer. “He is a lecanifer from some planet in the universe I can’t pronounce, as well as being my familiar.”

I smiled at the beast, who was acting as a bed for Holden’s three little girls. Two were all draped over his back and side while the third—Lauren—was leaning against his chest. All three of them were taking naps, enjoying his warm fur.

“Hello, again, Renth. It is wonderful to meet you in person.”

Well met, Lily. And yes, I am glad we finally are on the same planetary surface. We will have much time to learn about each other, given my bond with Soren.

“We will. I see you have some fans.” I smirked at the overwhelming cuteness laying in front of me.

The lecanifer huffed, turning his gigantic head to nudge at one girl—Hope?—who was slipping off his side. He got her back into place before continuing. Indeed. I love children and these are unique. They are Universa and the new start for a species we thought was gone.

I frowned. “I didn’t know that. So the guy who came back with you—”

“Tamerin,” Soren interjected.

I smiled my thanks. “Tamerin, Belesh, Holden, and Holden’s girls are all that remain of that one race?”

Holden came in, carrying a plate piled high with food. She handed it to me, along with utensils, and pointed at a chair. “Sit and eat. Soren, go get something for yourself and a drink for your mate. And to answer you, Lily, no, there’s at least one more person, if we can ever get in touch with him—my father.”

I sat, still frowning. “Your father? But he has never been around, not even when the girls were born. I guess I just thought he had died.”

She rolled her eyes. “He follows my mother around the world, because he says he can make money anywhere. My mother, though, is a biological researcher. Right now, they are somewhere deep in the Amazon. It is hard to break her away from her projects and my father won’t leave her.”
