Page 30 of Diesel

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It was the perfect set up.

Well, almost. It would be, if not for Simone.

“Still here from last night, are you?” The blonde scoffed at me as she clip-clopped across the room in clear stripper heels and a barely-there skirt. “That’s a bit cheap.”

Considering the fact that she’d just come through one of the side doors that lead out to small apartment rooms I was told the men used for ‘overnight activities’, that was rich. She smelled of alcohol and weed, and her fake, over-filled duck lips squished into an arrogant pout.

I didn’t respond.

I’d met Simone for the first time a few days ago, and right from the get-go she’d come at me with attitude, and I had no idea why.

I continued to type away on my laptop as she walked, although I was only typing ‘go away, go away,’ over and over again, not able to concentrate until she left.

But then she stopped before me, one long-nailed hand coming to rest against a jaunty hip, and she clucked her tongue down at me. I rolled my eyes and hoped she’d leave again without comment.

“What are you even doing?”


—away, go away, go away, go away—

“Here?” she huffed and sent me the snobbiest mean-girl look she could muster, although her face was practically frozen with Botox, she could barely move an eyebrow. “Who are you trying to impress? You really think one of the patched brothers are gonna go for the likes of you? Please, bitch.”

It took me a second to remember that a patched brother was one of the initiated, official MC members, as opposed to the prospects who were still doing free manual labor to earn their place in the club, like the guy I’d met on my first day here who I’d thought was an intern.

“Okay,” I replied, refusing to look up at her.

She shifted her weight to her other hip. “You’re kinda dumb, aren’t you.”

I rolled my eyes again, but then she suddenly grabbed my laptop screen and tried to slam it shut. I snapped my fingers up over hers before she could manage, and finally turned my gaze up to meet the ugly look she was giving me.

“Diesel doesn’t want you,” she hissed, leaning down, and baring her overly white teeth at me. “At least not for more than a night or two. Look at you, you’re nothing but an easy lay. Stop sniffing around the club, and stop sniffing around him. Go back to whatever nerdville you came from. He could have his pick of the women here, he could have me. Why the fuck would he choose someone like you?”

I took in a sharp breath, anger and confusion swirling up forcefully within me. But mostly anger.

“Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that?”

“I’m—” But out of nowhere, Chopper came barreling across the room and bowled straight into her legs mid-sentence, Leo hot on his heels and giggling up a storm.

And just like that, my anger disappeared. I had half a mind to grab Leo and cover his eyes as Simone let out a surprised squawk and fell ankles-up onto her ass. Which didn’t have much cushioning with how thin she was, so that really had to have hurt.

But I was fairly certain my son didn’t see her neon-purple thong as he raced by, so I flipped open my laptop once more without a care.

“You okay?” I asked her half-heartedly, my eyes back on my screen as I switched to typing hahahahahahahaha.

“Ugh, god, what a brat!” she snapped as she stood up, ass first, and wobbled on her giant heels.

I pursed my lips and didn’t respond, and with a huff she stomped out.

“God, what a bitch,” I muttered under my breath, as I deleted all my extra words.

But for some reason, I couldn’t stop thinking about what she’d said. You’re nothing but an easy lay…

The sound of my phone ringing beside me interrupted my thoughts, and my heart raced the way it always did. I threw my laptop onto the couch beside me and answered the call without looking at the screen, hoping against hope, just like every other time, that it was my sister, even though I knew better to believe in such things. “Hello?”


“Hey, Ryan.” I cringed at the disappointment in my tone.
