Page 53 of Echoes of the Past

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“Probably wishful thinking on Conrad’s part. I’m originally from Texas, and my parents still live there. Conrad loves to visit them on their farm.” I’m probably giving too much away about our prior lives, but I need to provide an explanation in case Conrad slips again about our farm.

“That explains it.” Will stretches out on the blanket, propping himself up on one arm. “Tell me about yourself, Julia.”

“Why don’t you go first?” He seems to want to talk, and I’m more than willing to listen.

His face becomes serious. “My life is complicated right now. I’ve been seeing a therapist.”

“Because of the accident?” I ask as I drizzle apricot preserves on top of a cheese-covered salami slice.

“That’s only part of it. I come from a dysfunctional family. My mother was a raging alcoholic.”

As I suspected, his aura of sadness is about more than his wife’s death. “I can’t imagine how difficult that was for you growing up. Were those your parents I saw you talking to at the birthday party?”

“That was my dad and his girlfriend. My mom passed away in May from complications of her alcoholism.”

“I’m so sorry. You’ve had a difficult year.”

“For sure.” Will drains the last of his champagne and sets his glass aside. “Anyway, I’ve been trying to sort through some issues. I’ve come a long way in a short time. Three weeks ago, I refused to even consider therapy. But I’m learning so much about myself. You should try it sometime.” His eyes widen. “That didn’t come out right. I’m not suggesting you need therapy.”

“Everybody needs therapy at some point in their life.” As much as I would benefit from counseling, there would be no point when I can’t tell the truth about myself.

“Just so you know, I’m not the kind of person who goes around talking about their therapist. But I have feelings for you, Julia. And I thought you should know I’m not at the top of my game right now.” Will sits up and pinches off a chunk of bread. “Your turn? I want to know everything about you.”

“Well, let’s see. Blue is my favorite color. I love seafood. I’m a grouch in the morning before I’ve had my first cup of coffee. I’ve never had a real job. When I was married, I was a stay-at-home mom. And I’ve always wanted to be a writer. That’s pretty much it.”

“Geez. I tell you my biggest secret, and you tell me your favorite color in response.”

I pick at a loose thread on the quilt. “I have skeletons in the closet too, Will. I’m just not ready to talk about them.” I wonder if I’ll ever trust Will enough to tell him the truth about Grady.

“Fair enough.” Will scrambles up and pulls me to my feet. “Let’s just enjoy each other’s company for now. No pressure.” He offers an arm. “Can I interest you in a stroll?”

I take hold of his elbow. “A stroll sounds lovely.”

We stroll for what seems like miles, talking about our children and the pros and cons of small-town living. He tells me about growing up at Marsh Point, and I tell him about the farm through the eyes of a child, as though I lived there in my youth.

We turn around when we reach the Mathesons’ property line at the northern tip of the island. As we head back towards the cottage, I summon the courage to ask him about Ellie. “I’m curious. Is something going on between you and Ellie?”

“No way. That woman drives me insane.” He drops his smile. “I feel awful about what happened at the party. I would’ve come to your rescue, but I wasn’t sure you wanted the entire town to know you really are making a fool of yourself by going after Caroline’s dad.”

I laugh out loud. “Right! Slut that I am. I hope Ellie learned her lesson. She should be more careful what she says around her child.”

He cast a sideways glance at me. “Do you?”

“Do I what?”

“Do you care if the whole town knows we’re seeing each other?”

Looping my arm through his, I lean into him. “Not at all. I’m proud to be seen on Will Darby’s arm.”

When we reach the blanket, we clean up from our picnic and return to the cottage. Will drops his armload on the dining table and pulls me close. Desire spreads throughout my body as he lays a passionate kiss on me. When we come up for air, I notice him glancing towards my bedroom, and it takes every bit of willpower I can summon to push him away.

“I’m sorry, Will. I’m not ready for more than kissing. I’ve only ever been with one man in my life.”

Will jumps away as though burned. “Whoa. I didn’t know. You should’ve said something.”

My face warms. “I’m not a virgin. I just have limited experience.”

“I understand, and I respect your wishes. You’re in control. You tell me when you’re ready, and I’ll make sure it’s special, a night you won’t forget.”
