Page 54 of Echoes of the Past

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I cover my mouth to hide my smile. “That sounds like a corny pick-up line.”

“My experience with women is also limited. Although maybe not as limited as yours.” He places his hands on my hips. “We’ll take it slow together.”

“I’d like that,” I say, resting my head on his chest.

I’m falling hard for this man. I’m tempted to throw caution to the wind and see where our relationship leads us. But my primary responsibility is to my son. I can’t afford to make a move that might put our lives in danger.



I’m leaving Clemmy’s house on Monday afternoon when I receive a call from my attorney. Vanessa doesn’t bother with pleasantries. “We need to talk, Will. In person. This afternoon. Now. Where are you?”

A knot forms in my gut. Her terse tone tells me whatever she wants to see me about is serious. “I’m leaving Clemmy’s. Where are you?”

“On highway seventeen, heading south. I’ll be in Beaufort in twenty minutes.”

“Where should we meet? I don’t know Beaufort very well. I’m sure there’s a coffee shop in the downtown area.”

“I’m googling coffee shops. There’s one on Carteret. City Java and News. It’s in the City Loft Hotel.”

Locating a pen in my console, I scribble the name on the back of a teller machine receipt. “I’ll find it. Can you give me a hint of what this is about?”

“I’d rather wait and tell you in person.”

Beads of sweat break out on my forehead as I drive the short distance to town. My nerves are on end. Caffeine is the last thing I need. But I order a Chai Tea Latte because I don’t feel right occupying space at the counter in the small coffee shop without buying something.

What could be so important for Vanessa to drive ninety minutes to meet with me in person? My imagination runs wild with possible scenarios, and by the time she arrives ten minutes later, I’m on the verge of a panic attack.

Vanessa stands just inside the doorway. She’s extremely attractive in person and professionally dressed in a khaki pantsuit with a white silk blouse. Lifting her sunglasses, her blue-green eyes dart around at the shop’s other occupants before landing on me. She motions for me to follow her. “Come on. Let’s walk.”

“Don’t you want a coffee?” I ask, hustling to catch up with her.

She pats the tote bag dangling from her shoulder. “I have water. We need privacy for this conversation.”

We walk in silence several blocks. When we reach the waterfront, she turns to face me. “You need to prepare yourself, Will. Your in-laws are coming after you with guns loaded.”

“What do you mean by guns loaded? And how do you know this?”

“I have my sources. And I mean the Beaumonts are pulling out all the stops.”

I toss my half-empty teacup in a nearby trash can. “Are these sources reliable?”

“Extremely. I have moles planted in various strategic locations around the Southeast. I have the name of an attorney for you.” She thrusts a business card at me.

I read the information on the card. “A criminal attorney?”

“Alex is the best. I should be the one to reach out to her when that time comes.”

My jaw slackens. “When what time comes?” I say, even though I suspect what is coming.

Vanessa sighs as she leans against the chain railing. “According to my intel, the local authorities in Water’s Edge are preparing to come down hard on you. They will soon arrest you for your wife’s murder.”

I fall against the railing beside her. “Based on what evidence?”

“That part is a mystery. They claim to have new evidence in the case. We’ll find out soon enough.” Vanessa inspects the landscape around us. “I’m pretty sure you’re being followed, which is why I wanted to meet in person. They know everything about you. That you’ve moved in with your sister at Marsh Point. That you’ve hired a housekeeper to help with your children. That you’re receiving counseling three times a week, and that you’re dating a woman named Julia.”

I shake my head in disbelief. “They don’t have to spy on me. My life is an open book.”
