Page 59 of Echoes of the Past

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“No!” I jerk my arm away. “I swear. I didn’t even know her then. She moved here from Colorado after Labor Day.”

Vanessa gives a curt nod. “If necessary, we’ll get her to testify to that effect.”

I stare over her shoulder at a sailboat cruising across the harbor, its sails billowing in the wind. “I’d rather not involve Julia. She broke off our relationship this morning,” I say and start walking back in the direction we came.

Vanessa steps into line beside me. “I’m sorry for you, Will. I can tell you really care about her. But it’s for the best. Seeing someone so soon after your wife’s death is not a good look.”

While I agree with her, losing Julia hurts like the devil. If I feel this way about a woman I barely know, I can’t imagine the agony of losing custody of my children. Suddenly eager to get home to them, I say goodbye to Vanessa and head back to my car.

I send Ashton a text, asking if she and the kids would like to go on a boat ride when I get home around five. She responds with a thumbs-up emoji, and the threesome is waiting for me on the veranda when I arrive.

As I navigate away from the dock, Caroline calls out to me from the front of the boat. “Can we go to town for ice cream, Daddy? Please?”

“Sure! Why not?”

Ashton shoots me a disapproving look. “You’ll spoil their dinner.”

“So what?” I want them to have some fond memories of me when I’m in prison.

Ashton eases herself onto the leaning post. “Why do I get the feeling this isn’t a joy ride?”

“Every boat ride is a joy ride.” I speed up enough to appease the girls without making it difficult to talk. “But you’re right. I have something important to talk to you about. Detective Marlowe came to see me today. He got fired from his job because he refused to arrest me. I’m in big trouble here, Ashton.”

“We’ll fight?—”

“Let me finish. I have a lot to say. Marlowe warned me to get my affairs in order. I’ve just come from meeting with Vanessa in Charleston. I’ve asked her to create a legal document giving you custody of the girls if something happens to me. This is not an easy ask, Ashton. And I want you to take some time to think about it. There is a very real chance you could end up raising my children.”

“I don’t need to think about it, Will. Caroline and Sophie are my nieces,” Ashton says, her eyes on the girls and her hand over her heart. “I promise to do everything in my power to nurture them into healthy adults. I will give them unconditional love and support them in all their endeavors.”

“Wow. I wish you’d been my mama.” I laugh. “Wait, you kinda were.” I drop my smile. “What about Sully? Is he up for fathering two young girls?”

“If Sully and I get married, and in the unlikely event you go to prison, Sully would be a wonderful father. I’ve met his son. He’s an impressive young man.”

I give her a gentle shove. “Who are you kidding? You’re totally into Sully, and you know it.”

A sheepish grin spreads across her face. “Maybe. He’s a really good guy, Will. I can’t stop thinking how different my life would’ve been if we’d dated in high school.”

I let out a humph. “After what we went through as kids, we should make a pact to never discuss what-ifs.”

“Deal.” Ashton extends her hand, and we shake on it.

We tie up at the city marina and walk over to the Velvet Spoon on Main Street for gelato. Ashton and I order scoops of pistachio, and the girls choose chocolate chip. We take our treats to the picnic table at the small playground on the waterfront. Caroline and Sophie take a few bites of ice cream before rushing off to the sliding board. The gentle breeze blowing off the water has a hint of the cold months ahead. If things were different, I might be sitting here with Julia, watching our three children play. I don’t even know where I’ll be come winter. I could potentially be in jail awaiting trial for murdering my wife.

“If I get arrested, Ashton, do you have the money to post bail? I’ll pay you back of course. If not, I can add you to my bank account. I should probably do that anyway.”

Ashton’s tormented expression tells me how painful this discussion is for her. “I have plenty of money, Will.”

“Thank you, Ashton, for everything. Knowing you’re taking care of my girls gives me peace of mind.”

“I’m glad. You have enough to worry about with your legal problems.”

“Speaking of which, Marlowe wants me to hire him to dig up dirt on the Beaumonts.”

Ashton’s face lights up. “Do it! I have the utmost respect for Detective Marlowe after the way he handled Owen.”

As I finish the last of my gelato, I type out a text to Marlowe. You’re hired. And you’re definitely not working for free.

Three dots appear in the message bubble, followed by his response. Great. Let’s meet first thing in the morning. I’ll be at Marsh Point at nine.
