Page 58 of Echoes of the Past

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“Pretty much. Because I refuse to arrest you. They are trying to frame you. And they’re doing a good job of it.”

“Who is they? Who is coming after me, Detective?”

“Your in-laws are calling the shots. But they have some mighty powerful people doing their dirty work.”

I hang my head. “I was afraid of that. What should I do?”

“Lawyer up for starters. Hire yourself the best criminal attorney you can afford. And get your life in order. Make arrangements for someone to take care of your children in your absence.”

Chill bumps break out on my arms despite the warm afternoon. “What do you mean by my absence?”

“If you’re arrested. I assume you already have a will that stipulates who gets custody in the event of your death.”

“I do. Although I haven’t updated it since Tracy died.”

“Talk to your attorney. Make sure the proper provisions are made.”

Panic grips my chest, and I squeeze my eyes shut as I focus on counting my breaths. “I can’t believe this is happening. What will you do now? Will you look for work at a police station in a neighboring town?”

“Eventually, I will leave this Podunk town and not look back. But I have unfinished business to take care of first.” Marlowe shifts his tall frame towards me. “Your case has gotten under my skin, Will. What your in-laws are doing to you is wrong. I want you to hire me to investigate them. You don’t even have to pay me.”

“I appreciate your interest in my case, and your defense of my innocence, but my custody attorney already has a team investigating the Beaumonts.”

“And I’m sure they’re doing a fine job. But they don’t have skin in the game like me. The Beaumonts cost me my job, and I want revenge. Your in-laws are as crooked as the day is long. If I can dig up some dirt on them, we can use it against them to make them back off.”

Leaning forward, I plant my elbows on my knees, burying my face in hands. “I don’t know, Detective. I need to think about it. Everything is happening so fast. I don’t want to make a wrong move here.”

“I get it. But don’t wait too long. Coincidentally, who is this woman to you? The one I saw on the news last night. She’s all over social media today.” Marlowe shows me his phone’s screen where Ellie and Julia appear to be having a heated argument. He clicks the play arrow and hands me his phone. I watch in horror as Ellie accuses Julia of breaking up my marriage.

“I didn’t even know Julia back then.” I hand him back his phone. “I would never have cheated on my wife.”

Marlowe points at Ellie. “Was she really one of your wife’s best friends?”

My head jerks back. “No! Tracy couldn’t stand her. Ellie’s been hitting on me for months. Do you think she’s trying to run Julia off to get to me? ”

Marlowe stands and stretches his long limbs. “Maybe. I’m seeing a lot of mental illness in this world today. You can’t have too many people in your corner right now. You have my number. Give me a call when you’re ready.”

I wait until I hear Marlowe’s car leave the driveway before getting to my feet. On my way to my truck, I access my social media feed and scroll until I find a post of Ellie and Julia. I’m reading through the comments when a text from Julia appears on the screen. I’m sorry, Will. Considering the circumstances, I don’t think we should see each other anymore.

My heart pounds as I speed down Beach Drive towards the bridge. Everything I’ve learned from Clemmy about anger management flies out the window, and I punch the roof of my truck several times.

At the next red light, I thumb off a quick text to Vanessa. I need to see you. I’m leaving Water’s Edge. I should be in Charleston by 3:30.

She responds right away. Meet you at the splash fountain in Waterfront Park.

Highway traffic is heavier than usual, and Vanessa is waiting for me when I arrive ten minutes late.

“Let’s walk. I can’t hear myself think over all this racket,” she says, gesturing at the children squealing and frolicking in the splash fountain.

As we stroll along the waterfront path, I bring her to speed on recent developments. “Can you create a legal document for me, designating my sister as temporary custodian if anything happens to me? The attorney who drew up my original will is a friend of Tracy’s. I don’t trust anyone in Water’s Edge right now.”

“That’s wise. I’ll draft it this afternoon and send it over for your approval.”

“I think you should reach out to your criminal attorney friend. It may be premature, but I want to be on her radar if they arrest me. I’d prefer to spend as little time in jail as possible.”

“I understand. No harm in being prepared.”

She stops walking and grabs hold of my arm. “Tell me the truth, Will. Were you seeing Julia at the time of your wife’s death?”
