Page 83 of Echoes of the Past

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“That sounds lovely, Will. Unfortunately, I’m fresh out of resources.”

“Well, I’m not. I have two attorneys and a team of investigators. With your permission, I’ll tell them what we’re up against, and let them come up with a plan.”

“Okay. I guess. I have nothing to lose. But if they fail, I have no choice but to go on the run again.”

I draw her in for a hug. “They won’t fail. I promise you, we’re going to beat this. I won’t stop until I’m certain you’re safe.”

She looks up at me. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. For the first time since discovering my husband’s illegal activities, I feel like someone is finally on my side.”

I kiss her lightly on the lips. “I’m sorry for all you’ve been through. I wish I could stay. I’d love nothing more than to hold you all night. But people are watching me. And for the sake of appearances, I need to adhere to a normal routine. Will you be okay here alone?”

She pats the bulge on her hip. “I have my gun. I’m not afraid to use it, and I’m a decent shot.”

“Thatta girl!” I say, kissing her again before turning her loose.

Julia walks with me to the garage. “When will I see you again?”

“As soon as it’s safe. I’ll send Maurice over first thing in the morning with some provisions. He’s a very large man. Don’t let his appearance alarm you. He’s worked for me for many years, and I trust him explicitly. I consider him my best friend.” I punch the button, raising the garage door. “Don’t forget to lower this when I leave.” I give her one last, lingering kiss. “I wish I didn’t have to go.”

She smiles softly. “We’ll have time for more kissing later. I hope.”

“I’m certain of it.”

Hurrying out to Ashton’s car, I back out of the garage and pull slowly away from the house. As I navigate the long and winding driveway, I’m on close lookout for hidden cars. Fortunately, I see none. My heart is heavy as I continue onto Beach Drive. I’ve fallen head over heels in love with Julia, and I’m terrified for her safety.



Despite being in a strange house, I sleep soundly on the luxurious mattress, made up with Egyptian cotton sheets. Conrad is still asleep when Maurice arrives in a Darby Custom Homes van a few minutes before eight on Wednesday morning. If anyone is watching, they’ll assume he’s here to work on the house.

Will warned me Maurice was a very large man. Giant would’ve been a better way to describe him. Despite his menacing presence, his warm hazel eyes and kind smile set me at ease. He dumps several grocery bags on the counter, removing a white box from the top of one.

“I brought you some warm scones from Fancy Pantry. I hope you like them. I chose my favorite flavors, chocolate chip and orange cranberry.”

I peek inside the box. “These look divine. You’re a good man, Maurice. Just like Will said.”

Maurice beams. “Oh! I almost forgot. This is for you.” He tugs a cell phone free of his back pocket. “It’s prepaid. I stored both mine and Will’s numbers in there in case you need to reach us.”

I take the phone from him. “Thank you. Knowing I have contact with the outside world gives me peace of mind. Speaking of which, I noticed a desktop computer in the downstairs sitting room across from the bedroom where we’re sleeping. Would it be okay if I used it?”

Maurice runs a hand across his cropped gray hair. “I don’t see why not. Mr. Matheson had me set up all the computers in the house. There are three of them, brand new straight out of the box. One for each of his daughters and one for his study upstairs. I doubt anyone has even used them yet. If you like, I can make sure it’s still connected to the Internet before I go.”

I bob my head. “That would be great.” If I can get online, I can access the Dropbox folder with my novel documents. I have much to write about, both good and bad. And since I’m sequestered here, I might as well work.

A few minutes later, Maurice pronounces the Internet online and computer in working order. After seeing him out, I set a pot of coffee on to brew while I put away the groceries. The kitchen is the hub of the house, adjacent to both living and dining rooms. While I can see out in every direction, from Catawba Sound to the ocean, the kitchen is set far enough back from the window for anyone to see me. Last night’s rain has ended, leaving behind low-hanging gray clouds. A cozy day to stay inside.

I place a plate of scones, my mug of coffee, and a cup of juice for Conrad on a bamboo tray and deliver it to our sitting room. When I call for Conrad, he comes running.

“This house is so cool, Mommy! Can we live here forever?”

I chuckle. “I wish.” As much as I love this house, I’m eager to put our problems behind us and return to our cottage.

“Are you hungry?” I gesture at the tray. “Mister Will’s friend brought us some breakfast.”

Conrad drops to his knees beside the coffee table and grabs a chocolate chip scone off the plate.

As I watch him eat, I think about how close I came to placing him in foster care yesterday. Pain rips across my chest. He’s my child. I gave birth to him. I’m responsible for protecting him and providing for him. I remember Will’s comment about combining our resources. There is one resource I haven’t yet tapped.
