Page 89 of Echoes of the Past

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Crossing the living room, I crack open the door and peek out at him. “Go away. Whatever you’re selling, I don’t want any.”

He forces the door open and brushes past me into the house. “You’re a difficult woman to track down.”

I close the door behind him. “By design, Detective. I’ve been in hiding since someone ransacked my house on Tuesday.”

He feigns surprise. “Who would do such a thing?”

I glare at him. “We both know who.”

Rourke spreads his arms wide. “Pretty swanky hideout you’ve got here. I don’t imagine the owners will be too keen to learn they have a squatter in their new billion-dollar home.”

“I have permission to be here, thank you very much.”

He narrows his beady black eyes. “Oh really. Who granted this permission?”

“None of your business.” Despite my racing heart, I manage to appear bored. “What do you want, Detective?”

“To make a deal. We both know you’re in over your head with The Six. But I can guarantee your safety in exchange for your testimony against Will Darby.”

“And how do you plan on keeping me safe?” I ask in a sarcastic tone.

“The usual way,” he says. “New identity. Fresh start in a location of your choice.”

“Who’s making this deal? Surely you don’t expect me to believe you have the resources to make me disappear.”

“I have more clout than you think.”

“Right. I forgot. You have The Six on speed dial.”

A wounded expression crosses his face. “You don’t believe me?”

I shake my head. “Not hardly.”

“Your boyfriend’s father-in-law is making the deal. He’s a member of The Six.”

I roll my eyes. “And I’m the Easter Bunny.”

“I’m being serious, Julia. Clarence Beaumont is a member of The Six.”

I drop my smile. “Then I’m definitely not taking the deal. As soon as he helps me find this fresh start, he’ll exterminate me.”

“No, he won’t. You have his word.”

“There’s no way I’m trusting you with my life. Let alone my son’s life. I’ll need to hear that word from your boss.”

Rourke hesitates.

I chuckle. “Just as I suspected. You’re bluffing. Furthering your career is the only thing on your agenda. You want bragging rights for solving Tracy Darby’s murder case. Even though she wasn’t murdered. Her death was a tragic accident.”

“You’re a dead woman if you turn down this deal.”

“I’ll take the deal if you can prove it’s legit.”

“Fine.” Rourke taps on his phone and presses it to his ear.

I’m standing close enough to hear Beaumont’s disgruntled voice. “What do you want, Rourke? I told you never to call me on this line.”

“I realize that, sir, but this is an emergency. Julia Becker needs your reassurance that your people will not harm her once she’s established her new life. She’s standing right here. Will you speak with her?”
