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“I have so many stories from when you were a baby!”

“She needs more food! We haven’t got nearly enough.”

“Of course, she does. She’s eating for two! Or dare I say three!”

“We have to start brainstorming names!”

“Don’t forget Great-Auntie!”

Adrianna blinked, leaned down and whispered, “I just remembered why I wanted to wait.”

“Indeed.” Yet it was too late, as her husband took her hand. “Now just relax, Aunties, everything is fine. We’ll tell you all about it. No, we haven’t picked out a name. No, she doesn’t need sweet pickles four times a day. No, triplets don’t run in the family–” Dara and Jason laughed as the power couple led their extended family away, with oodles of warm affection, a dash of exasperation and endless love.

“They are in for the adventure of a lifetime.” A new voice emerged, from a lovely lady in a silky magenta dress, walking next to a handsome man. How true, and the speaker should know. Laura Bancroft cradled a little bundle, a beautiful little baby with rosy cheeks, a bow mouth and brilliant blue eyes. They had named her Anne, with a middle name still to be determined. Next to her, father Aidan and big sister Jeanie beamed with pride.

With a sigh, Dara edged into the sweet scent of baby and love. “I’ve never seen such a beautiful baby.” She winked at the little girl. “Or such a lovely big sister.”

“That’s me!” Jeanie grinned. “She’s very smart. I’m teaching her how to make pancakes.”

“Are you?” Dara grinned at the parents, who watched the precocious girl with endless love. “That sounds like a great idea.”

“I think so. Except Mommy and Daddy weren’t too happy when I taught Jeanie the cat to make pancakes. But they said I could.”

“We meant she could watch you.” Laura shook her head, but her grin only widened. “We didn’t mean for the cat to use her paws to shape the pancakes, honey.”

Everyone laughed, and Jeannie giggled with pure happiness. The baby gave a soft yawn, and Dara sighed again.

Laura held her closer for her to see. “We actually wanted to share something special. As you know, we hadn’t chosen a middle name when she was born. We finally decided, and we wanted to tell you before anyone else.”

The lovely sentiment touched Dara more than she’d admit. She smiled wider to hide her emotion. “Don’t tell me it’s Jeanie.”

Laura laughed. “No. One little girl Jeanie and one pancake-making cat Jeanie is enough. We’ve decided to name her Anne Elizabeth.”

Dara’s heart stumbled. She paused, swallowed, then blinked through watery eyes. “That’s a beautiful name,” she whispered. She reached out, and the baby gripped her finger with a surprisingly strong grip. “It was my mother’s name.”

Laura caught her gaze, and her eyes glistened. “I know.”

Dara’s breath caught. Of all her new friends, she had grown closest to Laura, and now considered her one of her best friends. But it had to be a coincidence. She couldn’t have really…

“I’ve loved hearing your stories about your mother. She seemed like an amazing woman, and she left a beautiful legacy in you. We’d be honored if little Anne could share her name.”

“I would love nothing more.” Dara reached out and hugged her friend, careful of the precious baby. She now carried the name of a strong woman, a beautiful soul who forever lived in her heart. It was a true honor.

Laura handed the baby to her husband, allowing Dara and Laura a true embrace, between true friends. “Thank you so much,” Dara whispered. “I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”

“No, thank you.” Laura clasped her hands. “For sharing such a beautiful legacy with me.”

Dara wiped away tears filled with so much happiness. She would never forget her friends’ kindness. For a few more minutes they spoke, sharing hopes and dreams for the baby with the beautiful name. With a final hug and a promise to visit soon, they said farewell.

“What a beautiful family.” Dara couldn’t hide the wistful tone in her voice. One day. For now, she had her own beautiful life, with the perfect love story. By Jason’s soft gaze at the retreating children, he felt the same way.

Someone gestured to him from afar, and a mysterious look came into his eyes. He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers, a kiss and a promise of far more to come. “I have to take care of a few things. Give me a few minutes?”

How unexpected… and intriguing… and still unexpected. She pushed closer. “Do you have a surprise for me?”

“You could say that.” Yet he betrayed nothing as he gave her one last kiss on the lips. With a final squeeze, he turned and sauntered across the ballroom, disappearing into the crowd seconds later.

For a few minutes, she wandered about, mingling with the crowd, sharing pleasantries, laughs and conversations with friends and acquaintances. She made a quick trip to the ladies’ room, then walked through a long hallway bordered by paintings from the Regency era. She stopped by a painting of a handsome couple, the Duke of Bradenton and Lady Priscilla, with their brood of beautiful children. They all smiled softly, and the caption called them the love match of the century.
