Page 37 of Frank

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She was going to be the best mom ever.

King groaned. “No one is taking that baby away from her. Enigma, call your sister and find out what’s going on.”

Claudia’s brother nodded, rushing out from behind the bar.

“Claudia would be a great mom,” I offered happily. “I can give her a stellar reference if she needs one. She’s taken care of me many times.”

“Wait a minute,” Scribe muttered. “Which CPS agent? Never mind, I’ll call Diana Peters. She helped me clear up the mess with Cameron at the school last fall. She’ll know what’s going on.”

“King, help her,” Bailey pleaded as her eyes glazed over with unshed tears.

“Oh no!” King jumped from his seat. “No tears, woman. I mean it. My plate is full. I’ve got Scribe and Henley’s wedding in a few days as well as this Golden Skull shit to contend with. Not to mention that three of our brothers are due back from deliveries any day now. I don’t have time to deal with your tears.”

“Then fix it fast. Claudia loves Charlie, and he couldn’t ask for a better mother than her.”

“What the hell do you want me to do? I can’t tell CPS to approve her.”

“What she needs is a husband,” Priest muttered.

“Then find her one!” Bailey snapped before she smiled devilishly at my grumpy brother. “You’re single, Priest. You marry her!”

I growled, turning to my brother. “No!”

Priest’s eyes widened as he slowly backed up. “Wasn’t going to, big guy. She’s not my type.”

“You got something against Claudia?” I challenged, taking a step closer to him. “What’s wrong with her?”

Priest shook his head. “Nothing. She’s great. Perfect. The best of the best.”

Pointing my finger at him, I sneered, “She’s not for you. Stay away from her.”

“If you feel that strongly, Frank, then you take care of Claudia.” King smirked, slapping me on the back. “You need help. My woman’s got nothing better to do than butt into other people’s business. She’s a pro at it!”

“HEY,” Bailey snapped angrily. “I am not a buttinski.”

What? King had to be joking.

I couldn’t take care of Claudia. She was my dream girl. I could barely talk to her. Besides, I knew nothing about babies. What if she wanted me to hold Charlie? I’d break the kid.

Shaking my head, I slowly backed up. “Um... I can’t. I got stuff going on at the distillery. I can’t just leave it.”

“Not my problem anymore, big man. You volunteered. Claudia is now your problem. You heard my woman. Fix it!” King grinned and he quickly snuck off to his office, shutting the door behind him.

“Oh, come on, Frank. You like Claudia. She’s great. This will be a snap for you.”


“Don’t worry, I will fill you in on everything that is happening,” Bailey said, taking my hand, dragging me from the room while my brothers all snickered and laughed behind my back.

I was in hell.

This must be what hell was like.

It was the only plausible explanation.

Because for the next hour, I sat in the kitchen listening to Bailey drone on and on about everything from Claudia buying a crib to Charlie’s bowel movements.

Apparently, little Charlie made the cutest poop face last night.
