Page 52 of Frank

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“Granny, look at me.”

“We see you just fine, Frank. There is nothing wrong with you,” Claudia rounded on me before my grandmother could. “And if anyone says shit about you, I’ll take care of it. You are the kindest, sweetest, most lovable man in this damn town, and I dare anyone to say otherwise.”

“Looks to me that Dr. Claudia likes you.”

“We’re just friends. You heard her. She said it herself.”

“A solid friendship can grow into love,” Granny stated. “When I married your grandfather Charles, it wasn’t instant love. I liked him. We got along well. Were intellectual equals. The love came later. Some might even say that what Charles and I had was stronger because our marriage started off as a friendship.”

“Mrs. Steiner,” Claudia groaned.

“Martha. Please.”

“Martha,” Claudia said, taking a deep breath. “Yes, Frank and I are good friends. I would even go as far as to say great friends. He’s wonderful. Always there when I need him. But I can’t marry him just so Charlie can have a father.”

“Why not?”

Claudia sighed, taking Charlie from my grandmother. “Look, Martha. If you want to be Charlie’s grandmother, I think that’s wonderful, but that’s it.”

Walking out of King’s office, taking Charlie with her, I watched her and sighed. “Why did you do that, Granny?”

“Because you are in love with that woman. Have been since you met her. Why don’t you just claim her like all the other boys do in this club?”

“Because she doesn’t love me like that.”

“That’s where you are wrong, Franklin. Dr. Claudia James is in love with you, and I’m going to prove it to you. Because before my great-grandson’s adoption is finalized, I’m going to make damn sure his last name is Steiner.”

Chapter Sixteen


Marching out of King’s office, I ignored Scribe’s sisters as they all looked at me, grinning from ear to ear, especially Athena, who glanced down at my belly before shaking her head. If that witch knew what was good for her, she’d keep her damn mouth shut. After the fiasco that just went down in King’s office, I was in no mood for their meddling. The only saving grace was that Charlie seemed content at the moment.

I liked Frank’s grandmother. She was a sweet woman. I would do anything for her, but there was no way in hell I was going to marry Frank just so my son could have a father.

Nope. Not happening.

If I ever got married, it would be for love and love only.

Walking out the back door, I headed for the cabin Jessica was staying in. I needed a freaking break, and I knew my friend would help me make sense of what the hell had just happened.

More importantly, how could I make things right with Frank?

I felt horrible saying what I did. Even if it was true.

The fact was, Frank and I were just friends.

Good friends.

Did I want things to be more between us? Hell yes.

But that was impossible. Brothers didn’t date, let alone marry the sister of another brother. It was some unspoken rule.

Well, at least I thought it was.

Knocking on the cabin door, I stood there looking out over the backyard of the clubhouse as Scribe showed his mom and dad around the backyard before all three of them disappeared into the greenhouse.
