Page 57 of Frank

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Cameron sighed, shaking his head. “Dr. Claudia. I think you need the checkup. I’m fine. I know what I like.”

At that, Pyro walked over and picked up Cameron. “Alright. You’ve said your piece. Now, let it go.”

“The hell I will!” Cameron shouted. “Frank loves her. He calls her his dream girl, and she doesn’t know!”

“Dude, we all know now,” Pyro said walking him toward the kitchen.

There, standing in the middle of the clubhouse, Claudia looked appalled, embarrassed, and in shock. When no one said a word or turned the music back on, she looked at me.

Slowly getting to my feet, I was about to say something when she quietly turned and walked out of the room.

No one said a word.

No one moved.

All eyes were now on me.

I hated being the center of attention.

I fucking hated it.

Steeling my resolve, I looked at my brothers and clearly said, “You should have stopped him.”

“Frank,” Gunner carefully said, stepping forward, only to stop when I held out my hand, shaking my head.

“No. All of you let Cameron stand there and embarrass her because you all think you know better. Well, let me enlighten all of you. Claudia and I are just friends. That’s it. Nothing more. And the more you push, the worse you are making us both feel. We get that all of you want us to be happy, but you can’t force someone to love if they don’t.”

“That’s just it, Frank, she loves you,” Bailey whispered. “She’s just scared.”

Shaking my head, I refused to listen to any more of this.

She didn’t love me.

Nobody did.

Heading for the stairs, I turned as all eyes looked on. “Everyone needs to stay the hell out of my personal life.”

Closing my door, I quickly removed my clothes, throwing them in the hamper before heading into my bathroom. I just wanted to forget this day ever happened.

I was done.

After quickly showering, I was laying in my bed sometime later when someone knocked on my door.

Grumbling, I got up and threw open the door to find Skylar with Cameron standing in front of her.


“Cameron has something he would like to say,” Pyro’s woman said firmly before nudging her brother. “Cameron?”

“I’m sorry, Frank. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I had no right saying what I did.”

Kneeling before the boy, I took a deep breath. “Little dude. We’re best buds and I love you. You know that, right?”

Cameron nodded.

“While I appreciate you having my back, you really need to apologize to Claudia. She didn’t deserve to be put on the spot like that.”

“I’m sorry,” my little man sniffed. “I just wanted you to be happy like Scribe. I don’t understand why Dr. Claudia doesn’t like you like Henley loves Scribe. Did you do something wrong?”
