Page 70 of Frank

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“He’s at the scene, Lidi.”

“Shit.” I sighed, thinking fast. “Alright. This is what I want you to do. Go find Stacy. She’s setting up the triage tent. Whatever she tells you to do, I want you to do it. Okay?”

“What about Trip?”

“I’ll take care of Trip.”

“Lidi, you gotta call King.”

“I will. Now go,” I ordered firmly as the emergency bay doors opened and in walked Frank’s grandmother, Martha.

“There you are, missy!” the woman growled, marching over to me. “What’s this I hear you are carrying my great grandchildren?”

“Martha. Now is not a good time,” I grumbled, scrolling through my contacts looking for King’s personal cell number.

“It’s the perfect time. You can’t leave, and I want answers.”

Rounding on the woman, I yelled, “Damn it, Martha, look around you. There’s been a massive accident. People are hurt and desperately need help. But first I’ve got to call King and tell him that one of his brothers may not make it. So, either shelve the ass chewing for later and help, or leave!”

“Which brother?” the woman gasped.


“Which brother?”


“No,” she hissed, shaking her head. “Not Calvin.”

“Yes. Calvin Hall. A man I’ve known my whole life. Now please, let me make this call.”

Opening her purse, Martha reached in and grabbed her phone. “What do you need, Claudia?”

“A neurosurgeon. The best fucking neurosurgeon on the planet.”

Martha Steiner nodded, walking away with her phone to her ear as I found King’s number. Dialing, I walked over to a corner and took a deep breath as I heard him say, “He’s fine, Lidi. Frank hasn’t fainted since you left.”

Steeling my voice, I simply said, “Callum.”

Silence descended across the line before I heard my childhood friend ask, “Who’s hurt?”

“Trip. I need you to find Lacey and get here fast.”

The line disconnected.

Hours later, I ripped the scrub mask off my face. I leaned against the sink and hung my head. I was exhausted, physically and mentally.

Standing for hours, I worked tirelessly to stabilize Trip. Every decision I made caused me to rethink every step. Indecision was not good in the operating room, but I couldn’t help but think I was missing something. While I could fix the body, the head wasn’t my forte. Trip needed a neurosurgeon fast or he wouldn’t make it through the night. As it was, he was only alive because machines were keeping him breathing and his heart beating.

The thought of that wonderful, funny man not being around anymore hurt my heart. Trip was the club’s adrenaline junkie, the daredevil, the fearless brother. And while all of us thought nothing of it, I wanted to throttle him with my bare hands.

Why the fuck wasn’t he wearing his helmet?

He knew better.


Turning, I saw Bill Caldwell standing in the doorway, with King and Frank next to him. All three of the men looked as tired as I felt. Stepping on the pedal at my feet, water started flowing from the faucet into the basin as I reached for and grabbed a sterile bar of soap. Ripping the package open, I scrubbed my hands.
