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"Only if you want to," Nash replied, his gaze never leaving mine.

I took a deep breath, the scent of earth and growing things enveloping me, anchoring me to the moment. Then, with a swift motion, I pricked my finger. A bead of crimson bloomed on my skin, rich against my dark skin.

As I pressed my fingertip to the parchment, something wild and hungry stirred inside me. It wasn't fear, or even doubt—it was pure, unadulterated lust, a feral need clawing its way out of every shadowy corner of my soul. I realized then that I wasn't just signing a contract; I was unleashing the beast within, giving it permission to roam free.

Nash watched me, a knowing look etched onto his perfect face. The moment my blood mingled with the ink, sealing the deal, a shockwave of raw, primal hunger rocked through me. I stood there, finger still pressed to the page. Nash stood too, his predatory grace making my insides twist with want. The contract lay between us, but it was more than paper and blood—it was a silent testament to the insanity I'd just agreed to.

"Let's get you back to the house," he murmured, his voice a velvet caress that scraped along my already frayed nerves.

He stepped closer, and before I could blink, he swept me into his arms. His strength was a revelation—solid and unyielding—and for a second, I forgot how to breathe. We were moving, the vineyard a blur of green and gold as Nash carried me like I weighed nothing, like I was precious cargo he couldn't afford to drop.

"Got enough stamina for this?" I taunted, my voice shaky despite my best effort at nonchalance.

"Darling, you have no idea," he growled, and fuck, it sent a shiver straight to places I'd been pretending didn't exist since the last asshole decided honesty was optional.

We reached the mansion, its grandeur now a backdrop to the madness we were diving headfirst into. Nash's stride never faltered, his gaze locked onto mine, brown eyes smoldering with a fire that promised sin and salvation all rolled into one. We were two fucked up souls, but in that moment, it felt like our brand of crazy might just work.

His lips crashed onto mine, the kiss a collision of desperation and desire so intense it bordered on violent. My fingers clawed at his shoulders, grasping for more. The world narrowed down to the taste of him, the heat of his body against mine, and the relentless ache that screamed for fulfillment.

The door flew open under his kick, and we stumbled into the shadowed foyer, our mouths fused together in a kiss that tasted like the edge of a blade—sharp, dangerous, and utterly intoxicating.

"Fuck caution," I thought, or maybe said out loud. At that point, the line between thinking and speaking had blurred into insignificance. All I knew was Nash, his hands, and the promise of oblivion wrapped in leather and lust.

As we moved through the dimly lit corridors, our breaths mingling, our bodies pressed close, I realized something terrifyingly exhilarating—I was about to explore every dark corner of my soul. And something told me I'd enjoy every twisted, decadent minute of it.

Chapter 29


The room screamed wealth and decadence, with its towering ceilings and art that probably cost more than my entire life. My heart did this stupid little somersault of anticipation, but I shoved that feeling down deep where it belonged.

"Kneel," Nash’s voice cut through the thick air, sharp as a blade. He stood by the foot of the massive bed, an emperor in his domain, and goddammit, the power just rolled off him in waves.

Part of me wanted to tell him where he could shove his commands. But another part, the part that had been whispering in the dark corners of my blog, yearned to submit. It was like he knew exactly what strings to pull, and I hated how my body reacted.

"Here?" I snapped back, injecting all the sarcasm I could muster, even as I felt my knees begin to bend on their own free will.

"Right there," he pointed to a spot on the plush carpet, eyes boring into mine. "And don't make me repeat myself."

"Jesus, you're such an ass," I muttered under my breath, but I knelt anyway, right at the foot of his goddamn bed. My pulse pounded in my ears, and a flush crept up my neck. It was like kneeling unlocked something within me, a door I didn’t even know existed, and now it was swinging wide open, inviting all sorts of dark, delicious thoughts.

"Good girl," Nash murmured, and those two words sent a shiver down my spine. I wasn't sure if I wanted to smack that smug look off his face or press myself closer to the heat I saw lurking in his brown eyes.

"Fuck you," I said, but it came out less like a curse and more like a plea. I was playing with fire, dancing on the edge of a knife, and as much as I wanted to deny it, I craved every damn second of it.

The bastard started to strip, and damn if it wasn't like watching some twisted piece of performance art. I couldn’t peel my eyes away as Nash's fingers worked the buttons on his shirt with a deliberateness that had my heart hammering against my ribcage. Each revealed inch of skin was chiseled, like he'd been carved from marble by a particularly horny sculptor. The dusting of hair across his chest added just enough imperfection to keep him in the realm of mortals.

"Like what you see?" His voice was low, a dark chuckle laced through the words.

"Seen better," I lied through my teeth, that part of me unwilling to give him the satisfaction even as my body screamed otherwise.

"Is that so?" He arched an eyebrow, stepping out of his pants with a grace that pissed me off because it turned me on too damn much. There he stood, all bare skin, exuding power like some kind of nocturnal god. "Come here."

I shuffled forward on my knees, hating how my body moved before my mind agreed. He was intoxicating, a mix of danger and desire, and I was getting drunk on it. When I was close enough to feel the heat radiating off his skin, he cupped the back of my neck, fingers sending sparks straight to my core.

"Open your mouth," Nash commanded, and there was no room for argument in that tone. It wasn't a request, it was an order. And as much as I wanted to spit some venomous retort, I found myself parting my lips instead.

He guided my head closer, his other hand gripping his hard cock. "Use your tongue, Celeste. Show me how much you want it, even if you're too stubborn to say it out loud." His voice was a mix of steel and silk, and it wrapped around me, binding me tighter than any rope could.
