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Her lips curved, and she gave me an exaggerated two-finger salute. “Yes, sir.”

I scowled at her flippant tone. “I mean it, Becca. These woods can be dangerous if you're not careful.”

“I know, I know. You've given me the safety lecture already.” Her smile faded, and she tilted her head, studying me with an intentness that made my skin prickle. “Is everything really okay? You seem…distracted.”

Shit. I needed to do a better job of hiding the riot of emotions she stirred in me. I forced a shrug. “Just a long day.”

“Right.” She nodded, but her gaze remained searching. “See ya around.”

"Night." I turned on my heel and stalked off toward the front door of the station before I did something stupid like grab her and kiss her senseless. Again.

I made it five strides up the path before glancing over my shoulder. Becca hadn’t driven away yet. Our eyes met, and a slow, knowing smile curved her mouth. Then she reversed and headed back toward her cabin.

Shit. She could see right through me. I quickened my pace, cursing under my breath. I was in deep, dangerous waters here, and if I wasn't careful, I was going to drown.

I tossed and turned all night, unable to get Becca out of my head. The memory of her lips, her taste, the feel of her body against mine kept replaying like a broken record. By the time the sun peeked over the horizon, I'd given up on sleep and decided to go for an early morning run to clear my mind.

It didn't work. My thoughts kept circling back to Becca like homing pigeons. What did it mean that she affected me this way? I'd dated plenty of women, but none had gotten under my skin like she had. Those relationships were easy come, easy go. Becca was different. More complex. More…tempting.

When I returned to my cabin, I stood under the spray of the shower, letting the hot water beat against my tense muscles. I should stay away from her. Keeping my distance was the smart thing to do. The right thing. If Matt ever found out I'd betrayed him like this, it would destroy our friendship.

But even as I told myself it was for the best, an ache bloomed in my chest. I'd never been one to deny myself pleasure before. Why was it so hard now?

Because you care about her. And you don't want to see her get hurt.

I slammed my fist against the shower wall, wincing as pain shot through my hand. Dammit. I didn't want these feelings. I didn't ask for the complication. If only I could go back to the way things had been before she came along and turned my world upside down.

When I emerged for daily rounds an hour later, my hand was bruised but my mind was made up. I would stay away from Rebecca, no matter how much it hurt. She deserved better than a casual fling, and I wasn't ready for anything more. It was the right choice. The only choice.

So why did it feel so wrong?



Thunder rumbled in the distance like the growl of a ravenous beast, setting my nerves on edge. So much for historical weather research. Second day on this trip and now two days of storms? I shook my head and punched in the code to the keyless lock.

I closed the cabin door and found the note Candice had left with a list of activities to “enrich my mind, body, and spirit.” She certainly had a sense of humor.

I ate some nuts and yogurt from the fridge. Thankfully, it had been my job to stock the cooler, so all my favorite snacks and drinks were there.

I was suddenly famished. After finishing my quick meal, I unrolled my yoga mat and went through the motions of a few poses I’d seen Lindsay do occasionally. Who was I kidding? I never did yoga.

I found my phone at the bottom of my purse. Knowing I didn’t have great reception was kind of liberating. My constant companion wasn’t attached to my hand like an extension of myself. Feeling lucky, I opened the YouTube app and tried to search for yoga routines. But failed. Still no service. The rescue volunteer had mentioned earlier that the best chance for service was around four p.m. when the satellite in space was temporarily in the right spot.

Fine. Yoga was out. Next on the list was meditation. Ok, now that I could do. I sat criss-cross applesauce on the mat and rested my palms upward. I could sit here in silence and clear my mind, no problem.

But I was wrong. The moment I closed my eyes, my mind drifted back to Connor. His hard, muscled body. The thick cock that stretched my walls. Heat flooded my cheeks, and I shifted into a forward fold, trying to calm my racing pulse.

Welp, meditation was out of the question. A light rain had started outside. I threw on a jacket. Maybe the cold air and light rain would shock some sense into me.

I opened the door and almost slammed right into Connor. A crack of thunder sent me leaning closer into him.

His touseled hair and gruff expression made my walls throb.

“Where were you headed?” he asked.

“A quick walk,” I said. My stomach tightened, and my pulse raced again. I stepped back; I needed a little space. I couldn’t think when he was this close to me.
