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“Did you just compare yourself to Edward Cullen?”

He shrugs. “Just saying, it’s gonna be hard for you to get rid of me. Can I ask you why you say you didn’t have support?”

I nod. I knew this would be coming, especially since I brought Zack up. It stings a little more with Tessa’s recent confession. “I worked with an older woman in my town for about seven years. She owned the only floral company in town, and she put an ad out asking for help with set up for events, and that sort of thing. I applied and got the job right away. She taught me everything I know about flowers, and events. When she was ready to retire, she asked if I wanted to take over her shop. In retrospect, maybe that would have been a better, easier idea, but I wanted to do it on my own. I didn’t want an entire client list handed to me.”

Andrew nods thoughtfully, showing me he’s listening. “I’d been tossing around the idea of opening my own business for a while, but Ramona retiring really gave me the push I needed. My boyfriend at the time, Zack, told me time and time again that he thought it was a stupid idea, turning down her offer.”

His face reddens, and I can tell the thought of me with someone else is what’s causing it. “Why did he think it was stupid?”

I take another bite, trying to think of the words. “Zack was… pushy about our future. He wanted to have an exact timeline of things and where we were heading, but I couldn’t give him that.”

Andrew’s grip around his cup tightens.

“He didn’t understand why I wanted to wait until things settled down. I knew deep down that I wanted to make a name on my own, and anytime I brought it up, he would tell me how stupid it was, because I was being grandfathered into an already thriving company. I also knew, deep down, that he wasn’t the man for me. I stayed with him for comfort. We’d been together for a while, so we had a routine, a way of living. Walking away from that was scary, but I’m glad I did.”

Andrew nods in agreement. “I can get that. It’s kind of the opposite for me. The girls I’d been with wanted to get out and live anywhere but here, but I’ve always felt like this was where I needed to be. I love the work that I do, the legacy I get to carry on. But I also understand why you wanted to make your own.”

“Thank you,” I murmur. “I told my parents that I declined her offer, and my mom got upset. She told me that I was running from my future. A lot of the things people close to me were saying had truth to them, but I know that this is what I was supposed to do. I was supposed to get out on my own two feet and start from scratch.”

“Hey, you won’t hear any complaints from me. I’m all about following the path you find best for you. My brothers all had the option to take over Gramps shop, but they had other paths, my dad included. This is my path. It sounds like starting out on your own was yours.”

“I think so, moving here especially. Everything feels so right here. Even though I’m still getting on my feet, and everything is so new, it just… it hits differently. I don’t feel like I’m just going through the motions, day by day.”

“I hate to ask, but I’m curious.” Andrew hesitates. When I nod, letting him continue, he does. “Why did you and your boyfriend break up then?”

“He wasn’t supportive. I told him my plans, and how I was going to move, so I could start without my parents breathing down my neck. I told him he could come with me.”

I chuckle at Andrew’s pursed lips, his brows furrowed in discontent. “Obviously, he didn’t come with me. He told me I was making a mistake, said some other cruel things about me, and I pretty much broke up with him on the spot.”

“Damn…” Andrew mutters. “Sounds like he’s a stand up guy.”

“Oh yeah, a real winner. And, my best friend called me a few weeks ago. Apparently she’s dating him now, and they’re in love.”

Andrew cringes. “Hm.”

I laugh. “Yeah, don't get me wrong, I’m happy for her. Besides the fact that she’d been with him for five months, and didn’t tell me.” Finishing my last bite of pizza, I wipe my greasy hands on my napkin.

“Are you serious?” Andrew incredulously asks.

“Yeah. I’ve been trying to process it and be happy for her, but I’m still hurt. If she’d told me right away, maybe things would be different, but he really wasn’t a great guy to me.”

“Have you talked with your friend since?”

I shake my head. “No. She’s texted me a few times, but I’ve just told her I need some time to think things through.”

“That’s fair, and to be honest, I think you have every right to be upset.”

“Thanks,” I say. “I think my mom is still having a hard time with the move and breakup, not that she was fond of Zack,” I continue, feeling like I’m overtaking the whole conversation. “I think she’s just ready to be a grandma. She retired earlier this year.”

“Ah, yeah. My mom went stir crazy after she retired. She would make meals for us and drive around town, dropping them off at work for us every day. We had to sit down and tell her we didn’t need lunch every day. It got better once Jason’s little girl was born. She’s really an awesome grandma, and Lennie loves spending every day with her.”

“Your mom watches her everyday?”

“Sure does. They go to the library and all sorts of other events in town. It helps them both get the socialization they need.” Andrew smiles.

“That’s adorable,” I say. “Sorry, I kinda spilled my life story on you there. You probably don’t want to hear about my ex boyfriend on our first date.”

“I disagree,” Andrew murmurs. “I love listening to you talk. No matter what it’s about. Although, not that my opinion really matters, but it sounds like you’re better off without him.”
