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“I couldn’t agree more,” I say, offering up my plastic cup of pop. He clinks our glasses together.

We finish eating, and once things are cleaned up, I decide it’s time to egg Andrew on a bit. “Ready for another game? I think I can beat you this time.” I move to grab my ball from the machine where it sits when Andrew’s arms wrap around my waist from behind.

His low, rumbling voice tickles as his lips caress the outside of my ear. “Hmmm, we’ll have to see about that, won’t we, Josie?”

I nod, words failing me. He’s so soft, yet strong against my soft body, that I don’t know how to react. Zack had muscles, sure, but he also was an accountant who worked a desk job. He lost a lot of the muscle he had, whereas Andrew works with his hands everyday.

Good god, I’m so fucking screwed when it comes to this man. I feel a lock of his curly brown hair hit my forehead as his head tilts lower for his lips to meet the flushed skin of my neck.

My body betrays me when heat moves downward, my panties growing wetter with every second that passes. Shit, fuck. I’m sure he can totally tell how aroused I am, especially since his hand is now moving from my hip, up my soft stomach. I don’t even have time to cringe at the thought of him touching my belly rolls when his pointer finger slides between my breasts, his palm splaying above my heart. He holds me close, as close as physically possible.

“You ready?”

I nod in response, my throat dry. If I spoke right now, I’m sure it would sound like the croak of a frog.

Andrew abruptly releases me, stepping backward. With his hands no longer on me, the fog around my thoughts clears. “Hey, you were just trying to throw me off my game, weren’t you?” I point an accusatory finger at him as I turn around. His eyes go round with mock horror. “That’s plain mean.”

“I would never,” Andrew gasps. “But you better get moving, Josie-girl.”

I scowl, strutting up onto the wooden platform. After taking yet another minute to breathe and calm my racing heart, I lob the ball down the alley with every ounce of strength I have. It’s not much, but the ball flies down the shiny wood, hitting the center pin forcefully.

The pins fall to the wood with a clatter, and Andrew starts to cheer behind me. I just got a strike.

Holy shit, I did it! I spin around, thrusting myself into Andrew’s waiting arms. He catches me easily, and my legs wrap around his hips tightly.

‘That was amazing, Josie!” Andrew croons into my neck, but I’m too busy inhaling his intoxicating scent to process his words. Why does he smell so fucking good? My fingers tangle in his hair, and I do the only thing that I can think of. I kiss him.

I kiss him, feeling the passion burning through my body. The hands he has gripping my ass squeeze tighter, and my legs tighten around him in response.

His tongue parts my lips, and I’m grateful I didn’t put more lipstick on. Though I’m sure it would be hot to see him with my lipstick smeared all over his face. A low rumbling works its way up his chest, vibrating as our mouths battle for dominance. The moan escapes his lips, and I nearly combust. Tension amps up in my body, trying to relieve the ever growing ache between my thighs.

His hair is surely becoming a mess from my fingers, but kissing him is the only thing I can do. It’s as though my brain refuses to think of anything but Andrew.

I think I can feel the subtle hardness growing between his legs, pressing up against my jean-covered pussy. He pulls our lips apart, and we catch our breath, resting our foreheads together.

The position we are in mirrors the one Marley put us in earlier, though this time, we don’t end up face first in a freezing cold pond. No, this time, when I open my eyes and look around, I’m met with the eyes of an uncomfortable teenager.

Sasha clears her throat, pushing some of her dark hair away from her face. “Andrew,” she murmurs, her voice soft. “Um, we’re closing. It’s after nine.”

I can’t help it, a laugh slips out of me, and I release my tight grip of Andrew’s hair, and waist. I slide down his body, but he doesn’t let me step away. No, he turns us so that I’m standing in front of him, my back to his chest. Something thick and hard presses against my ass, and he wraps his arms around my waist again like he did before.

“Sorry about that Sasha, didn’t realize what time it was. We will get out of your hair.” Despite the fact that he has a raging hard on, his voice is calm and collected. When Sasha is out of earshot, I spin around, hiding my face in his chest.

“I cannot believe she witnessed that. We were practically humping each other!” I whisper into his chest.

“Nah, we weren’t bad.” Andrew pulls back, stepping toward the bench. “Though, we should really pack it up. I’m not done yet, though.”

“We can come back another time,” I murmur, kicking off my bowling shoes to slide on my comfy hey dudes.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Hmm?” I lift my head to meet his gaze. I’m still in a little bit of a fog, the world slightly hazy after that incredible kiss.

“I meant that I’m not done kissing you.”


