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“Imeant that I’m not done kissing you.” I watch as Josie’s already bright pink cheeks flame red, her freckles more pronounced. “So we better hurry up.”

Josie nods, already slipping into her shoes. I do the same, then grab both our shoes in one hand, taking her hand in my other. “Let’s pay and get outta here.”

Five minutes later, the bill is paid, and Sasha keeps avoiding my eyes as though she’s embarrassed about what she saw. Though, it’s probably a good thing she stopped us before we got carried away. I seem to lose all rational thought when it comes to Josie.

I help Josie into the truck, and when she’s buckled, I repeat the steps from earlier. Close her door, then round the hood of the truck to climb into my own seat. Once I’m buckled and pulling onto the street, I reach out, taking her hand again. My thumb rubs patterns across her skin. “Now what?” The sun has set, and the town is bathed in darkness besides the street lights, and the lights from a few businesses that are still open.

Josie, a little breathless, says, “You pick.”

“How can I pick when all I want to do is taste you again?”

“I won’t stop you.” Her words come out breathy and seductive, and I glance over, catching a glimpse of her in the glow of the street lamps.

“Fuck,” I curse, my throbbing cock growing even harder.

“Now you’re getting it,” she says.

“Hold that thought,” I state through gritted teeth. Of course, Josie’s not listening. She does her best to lean over the center console, and then her lips are at my ear for just a moment.

“I think I want to see your shop,” she murmurs, rubbing her hand on my inner thigh. “What do you think?” Before I can react, or try and grab her to keep her close to me, she’s back in her seat, squeezing my hand tightly.

Normally, I’m not the guy to have sex on the first date, but something about Josie is sending me into a spiral. Gone is the shy, submissive girl from before. She is totally different than I would have guessed. She’s brazen, in control, telling me what she wants. And right now, what she wants is me. Who am I to deny that, when all I want is her?

I do my best to keep my focus on the road, thankful my place is not far. When the yellow house comes into view, I’m thanking all the gods above for small victories. Josie has sat silent next to me the entire five minute drive after her request to see my shop, but I didn’t miss every single time she glanced over to me, biting that plump bottom lip.

I swing into the driveway, shifting into park. I fly out, meeting Josie on the other side, helping her out of the truck. I rest my hands on her hips, letting her slide down to the ground. My fingers slide under her shirt accidentally, but I feel the goosebumps that erupt on her skin. When she’s on solid ground, I move my hands from her waist to clasp her soft hand. I tug her away from the truck toward my door.

She follows quickly as I lead her through the darkness up the front steps. The house is still dark, but Travis lets out a few barks to let me know that he is, in fact, still here.

The heavy wooden door flings open, revealing Travis waiting by the door, his whole body wiggling in excitement.

“Aww, is this your dog? What’s his name?” Josie drops my hand, crouching down to receive lots of slobber filled kisses from Travis. I close the door behind me, and flick on the light.

“Travis,” I tell her, taking every ounce of self control I have not to pull her up off the ground. Josie on her knees is doing something to me.

“You named your dog Travis?” she asks, chuckling as she pets him.

“Hey, it’s a strong name for a strong dog,” I say. “And, you can’t tell me it’s not the funniest thing having a dog with a very human name.”

She shrugs. “I suppose that’s true.” Josie croons at Travis, and the sucker he is, eats up every ounce of the attention. He starts talking to her. Literally talking to her. Well, in a way that only a golden retriever can.

Josie embraces him, having a full on conversation with my dog while I stand watching, my boner standing strong.

“Andrew, this dog is so cute, I can’t stand it. Oh yes you are,” she says in a baby voice.

“Yeah, yeah, he’s cute,” I murmur. I bend down making sure to get really close to her ear as I whisper. “Do you remember that we had plans?”

I feel her entire body shiver as she nods. “Mhmm, plans. Yes. Plans.”

“I’d like to see those through. What do you think?”

She nods again, and I slide my hand under her armpit to pull her to her feet. I shoo Travis down the hall to the guest bedroom, closing the door with him behind it, then head back toward Josie. Without another word, our lips crash together again, and I swear, if I died right now, I’d die a happy man. I hold her to me, pulling her over to my couch. I had plans to get to my bed tonight, though I’m not so sure we will make it that far.

My hands tangle in her hair, gripping the strands at the base of her neck, pulling it free from the tie keeping the bun in place. Her shiny red curls tumble out, framing her face.

The backs of my legs hit the couch, and I sink down, taking her with me. Josie straddles my legs, taking total control of every movement. She grinds her warm heat against my hardness, our jeans adding a friction to her movements.

In between kisses, she gasps, “I’m… I’m not looking for a hookup.”
