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“Hmm.” Josie tilts her head as if she’s thinking about it. “You can have the couch. I don’t think there will be enough room in the bed.”

My brow raises. “Why?”

“I think Travis might be a bit of a bed hog.”

“You little shit.” I slap her ass, loving the way she squeals, then squeeze gently. “For your information, Travis is a bed hog. Tonight though, he’s sleeping on the floor.”

“Poor baby,” Josie says in a baby voice, looking down at Travis. “Good luck getting Velma to sleep on the floor. She’s a snuggler.”

“It’s a challenge I’m willing to take. I need you all to myself tonight.” My hands slide under her ass, hauling her into my arms. Her legs wrap around my waist, arms moving to my neck. Her fingers twirl in my hair, gently twisting the loose curls.

“You have me. Now, put me down.”

I shake my head. “Nope.” I start to head through the kitchen down the hall to her bedroom, listening to her squeal about how I can’t carry her and try to get out of my arms with each step. “I can carry you, which has in fact been proven, so enough of that.”

I manage to turn the overhead light on when I cross the threshold into her room, lighting up the queen sized bed. The comforter is a pale blush pink, a color that I now associate with Josie, since she seems to love it so much. Velma is curled up into a tiny ball in the center of it, only lifting her head slightly at our entrance.

The little tabby cat seems irritated by our presence, but also doesn’t move as I stride closer, dropping Josie onto the bed. Josie laughs as she bounces, and Velma meows at me, scurrying off the bed. “Time for bed,” I state.

Josie moves to sit up, but I push her shoulders down. “No, it’s bedtime. You need your rest. Big day tomorrow.”

“Andrew,” she says with a laugh. “I need to get my phone, wash my face, and lock the house. I have to get up.” She pushes against me, and I let her get up.

“Fine, but you have five minutes.” I point a finger at her, but stand back as she walks out of her room, swaying her hips.

I watch her closely until she’s out of sight, and it’s then that I realize I am right there with Travis, totally obsessed with this girl. I have puppy dog eyes for her, and I’m not mad about it in the slightest.



“Has anyone seen the groom?” I ask the bridal party. I’m met with several searching glances and shaking heads. “Crap,” I mutter, spinning on my heels to go in search of him.

This may be the most organized wedding I’ve ever been to, or worked, but yet, the groom is missing. To top it all off, I asked Andrew to look for him, and now he’s missing too. Not that I should be surprised, he seems to become friends with everyone he meets.

I rush down the long hall of the venue, the boutonniere in my hand. I can’t even call Andrew because I gave it to him to hold. I didn’t think I would need it. My heart pounds, because while it’s not my fault that the groom is MIA, it is if he shows up to pictures without his boutonniere.

Andrew’s boisterous laughter alerts me to his location as I turn a corner, heading toward the lobby of the hotel venue. Andrew stands side by side with the groom, his hands in his pockets without a care in the world. If he wasn’t so dang cute, I’d be a little peeved. Though, he did his job by finding the groom.

“Hey, petals,” Andrew greets, holding out his hand for me. I give him a smile, squeezing his hand, and turn my focus to the groom.

“Colin, we need you for pictures,” I say.

“Oh shoot, sorry,” Colin murmurs. “My mother-in-law to be needed me for a minute. My daughter, Cora, is currently in her ‘hate everyone but mom and dad’ stage, and she was having a hard time calming her down after she woke up from her nap.”

“No worries,” I reply. I knew he had a good reason for disappearing. He didn’t give me the vibe of a groom on the run. I step forward, showing him the flower I need to place on his lapel. He nods, and I get to work, pinning the boutonniere to his suit. “Now, you’re ready. They need you for the first look pictures.” I turn him toward the direction he needs to go, and Andrew and I follow him outside to where the photographer is waiting. Colin is a tall guy, but his height is nothing compared to one of the groomsmen. The guy is at least six foot five, maybe more, and is stocky, with wide shoulders and tree trunk legs.

When Colin approaches the group, he’s met with jeers and laughter. They tease him about running off, but it’s all jest.

I make sure that all the bouquets are ready, and straighten a few boutonnieres before I drag Andrew back inside with me to finish up the reception area.

“You really make friends with everyone, don’t you?” I ask as we walk hand in hand.

Andrew shrugs, a coy smile on his lips. “You could say that. Thomas and I are the extroverts of the family. Ironic for me to be the kid that deals with people the least for work.”

He hesitates for a moment, seemingly trying to decide his next words.

“And… you do still need to meet my parents,” he says. “Would you like to come to Sunday brunch tomorrow? My mom has been asking to meet you.”
