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“She has?”

“Of course she has.” He squeezes my palm. “I kinda talk about you a lot.”

Warmth floods my chest. “I’d love to go to brunch.”

When we make it back to the reception area, I get to work on the head table floral layout, and have Andrew put the flower filled vases on each table. The clinking of dishes and glasses along with the cacophony of voices fills the room, and I sink into a zone, totally focused on the arrangement in front of me.

I don’t know how much has passed when a large shadow looms over me. I tilt my head up, and am graced with Andrew’s adorable smile. “Hey,” I greet. “All done?”

He nods. “Yeah. What’s next?”

“Nothing. I’m almost done here. Could you run around and collect everything? Then we should be able to head out.”

“Sure thing, petals.” He bends at the waist to kiss my cheek. He takes my phone from his pocket, handing it off to me before strolling off to grab my things. The wedding planner is in charge of collecting all of my vases tomorrow morning during clean up, and I’ll pick them up from her tomorrow night.

With a few finishing touches to the head table, I step back, and take my phone out to snap some photos for my social media. Satisfied, I head out to find Andrew again.

Outside, the bride and groom are taking photos with their families. I wave goodbye when the bride spots me but instead of simply waving back, she frantically waves, eager to get my attention. I walk toward them with a smile on my face. She looks absolutely gorgeous. Her brown ringlet curled hair is in a swooping updo, a veil intricately placed in the curls. Her dress is an a-line cut, with thin lace sleeves and lace flowers stitched into the skirt.

“You look incredible, Lainey,” I say when I reach her. “This dress was made for you.”

Her cheeks redden, and her soon-to-be husband, Colin, wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her in to kiss her temple. “Isn’t she perfect?” he murmurs, more for her than for me.

“I wanted to thank you for the flowers. They are absolutely incredible. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.” Lainey reaches out, squeezing my palm tightly.

“I’m glad you love them,” I say. “I hope you have an amazing day,” I add before stepping back so they can get back to their day.

A short, blonde, woman in a navy blue bridesmaids dress yells from twenty feet away. “Laines, we need you over here! Mom wants to do the sibling pictures!”

Lainey jerks a thumb over her shoulder. “Sorry, Sam can be a bit loud. Thanks again, and I’ll call you if we need anything.”

I say goodbye, then head down the walkway to where Andrew is waiting in my car. He’s in the driver's seat, ready to go. “They are such a cute couple,” I say when I climb into the passenger side.

“Yeah they are. Colin seems like a nice guy too. I recognized the bride’s mom, though I can’t seem to place from where.” Andrew pulls out of the parking lot, heading toward home. It’s about a forty minute drive from Cinder Valley, the small town where the wedding was being held.

“I’m sure you’ll think of it.” I look out my window as we drive, admiring the cliffs and jutting rocks that lead to the river. “It’s so pretty out here,” I comment.

“Isn’t it? My parents used to take us out canoeing here a few times a summer. Then we’d go to a nineteen fifties themed drive-in restaurant for lunch or dinner after. I bet it’s still here. Are you hungry?” Andrew peers over at me, waiting for my answer.

“I could eat. That sounds really good.”

He turns the vehicle down another road, and soon after, the restaurant appears. It’s insanely busy, people walking around everywhere. There are people sitting out at the patio tables eating, or in the drive up spots, eating in their cars. Andrew finds a place to park, and we get out and head to the hostess stand. We’re greeted immediately and brought to a table.

The spring weather makes for a beautiful Minnesota day. When our food is brought out, we devour the amazing burgers within minutes.

“Hey, are we still meeting everyone at that brewery tonight?” I ask. We mentioned it a few days ago, but Andrew and I weren’t sure what time we’d be done with the wedding, so we didn’t have the plans set in stone.

“Think so.” Andrew wipes his face with a napkin, taking a sip of his water. “I’ll shoot out a text, letting everyone know we’ll make it. Jason said he’s got a local band playing tonight.”

“Oh, does Jason work there?”

“He owns it,” Andrew says, a goofy grin on his face.

My jaw drops. “Wait, really? So all this time, I’ve been gushing about that cider you gave me, and how badly I want to go, and your brother owns the brewery?”

Andrew laughs. “Yeah. I probably should have told you, but your reaction was pretty cute. I wanted him to be there when I told you, but I couldn’t wait any longer.”

“You’re acting like it was this huge secret.” I laugh.
