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“Oh, hi!” she squeals.

“Hi,” I greet.

“I’m Cleo,” she says, offering me a hand that’s more fingernail than hand. We shake hands, and she starts babbling. “I just saw Beau here sitting all by his lonesome self, and I thought I’d give him some company.”

Beau gruffly responds, “And like I told you, I have company, they were just getting drinks.”

“I can’t help that I’m drawn to such a handsome man,” Cleo whines. Her voice grates on my nerves. So whiny.

“I’m not interested, Cleo, I think it’s time for you to leave.” Beau’s irritation grows and grows with each passing second.

“Can I help you?” Marley appears behind Cleo, her voice strong and determined.

“No,” Cleo responds, continuing to stroke Beau’s arm, even though he’s pulled it away a few times. “I’m just spending some time with Ben.”

“His name is Beau, and you need to learn how to take a hint.” I don’t think I’ve ever heard Marley’s voice like this before. She has her hands on her hips, fierceness in her posture. “He’s not interested. So get out of my spot.”

“I’m waiting for him to tell me he’s not interested, then I will leave.” Good lord, where does she get this confidence?

“I’ve said I’m not interested,” Beau reiterates, this time, yanking his arm away, and standing. He stands in front of Marley, reaching his hand back, offering it to her. “Please leave.”

Finally, Cleo leaves us, and Josie comes back to sit next to me. She takes a long sip of her cider. “That was… interesting.”

I run my hand down her back. “Yeah. What did Marley say when you found her?”

Josie shrugs. “Not much. I think when I told her that he definitely wasn’t interested, her protective best friend instincts kicked in, and she went tunnel visioned in her mission to save him.”

“They’ve always had such a weird relationship,” I mutter, glancing over at the two in question. They’re huddled close to each other, talking in hushed tones. They don’t look mad or irritated with each other, but more concerned. Checking in with each other to make sure the other is okay.

“I can see that,” Josie says. Marley and Beau sit back down, all smiles now.

“Andrew, how’s your project going?” Marley asks me. Her eyebrows raise.

“Ummm,” I try to shut down her question with my eyes, but she doesn’t get the hint. I don’t want Josie to know what I’m working on for her. It’s going to be a surprise. “Well, uh, good.”

“What are you working on?” Beau asks, taking a sip of his pale ale.

“Just a commission,” I say, again, trying to make them get the fucking hint. They both know exactly what they are doing, since I showed them my sketches for what I want to do for her.

Josie leans into me. “You didn’t tell me about a new project. What is it?”

“Nothing special,” I answer, kissing her forehead.

“If you’re making it, then it’s special.”

I can’t help but kiss her lips, because she is the special one.

Thankfully, Thomas arrives at the perfect moment, interrupting the conversation, and taking the heat off me.

“Hey gang,” he says. “What’d I miss?”

“Not much,” I reply. I stand up, and pull him into a back slapping hug. He gives me a tight hug in return. “Where’s Arson?”

Thomas pulls out a chair, sitting down and sliding it in between Beau and me. “Home. I dropped him off after I got off duty. We had a busy day, and he needed a nap.”

“Aww, poor baby,” Josie says.

Thomas notices her, and breaks out in a huge smile, showing off the small gap in his teeth. His blonde hair is rumpled from the day, slight bags under his eyes, but he still has energy to come out, and be with us.
