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“Nah, I just like seeing you react to things. Your nose does this thing where it scrunches up, and your eyes squint. It really pops your freckles. You’re so damn adorable.” He scoots his chair over to me, then boops me on my nose. “See? Scrunched.”

Immediately, I unscrunch. “That’s embarrassing.”

“No it’s not. It’s one of my favorite things about you.”

I feel my nose scrunch again automatically. “Thanks.”

When the bill comes, he asks, “Are you ready? I think I could go for a nap before we go out tonight.”

“A nap sounds incredible,” I agree.



The brewery is packed. Bodies are crammed together in the golden lit room, while the band plays a surprisingly good cover of Sugar, We’re Going Down by Fall Out Boy loudly over the chattering voices. Josie is pressed up against my side as we try and make our way through the crowd to find the table Beau and Marley have saved for us. Megan and Isaac aren’t able to make it, she’s on call at the hospital this weekend, and Isaac is helping his dad with something. From the sounds of it, it will be Beau, Marley, and Thomas, with the occasional pop in from Jason.

I finally spot Beau’s man bun at a corner table, and lead Josie in their direction. Mar and Beau have their heads close together, and Marley’s brows are furrowed in irritation. “Hey, you two,” I say, clapping Beau on the back when we reach the table. He surprisingly changed out of his work clothes, and is wearing a black shirt with the Blue Ox Brewery logo on it, and dark jeans.

Beau looks up first, his face going from stressed to a mask of happiness in two seconds flat. These two need to get their shit together before they ruin their lives. The lives that they should be spending together. “Hey man,” Beau greets. Josie rounds the table to give Marley a hug, and sits down next to her.

I sit down next to Beau, thankful we have a small table so I can still touch Josie. Josie lifts a hand to give him an awkward wave. “Hey, Beau. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiles.

Beau smiles back. “Nice to meet you too, Josie. Sorry it’s taken so long to get to meet, but I’ve heard wonderful things about you from both Mar and Andrew.”

Josie does the nose scrunching thing I love. “Thanks. I’ve heard pretty great things about you from them too.”

Beau chuckles. “I heard you liked the Dry Pear Cider, I think Jase said he has some on tap tonight.”

“Oh, yay!” Josie leans over, squeezing my hand. “Honey, can you come with me to get some? I’ve been dreaming about it for weeks.”

“Sure thing, petals.” We both stand, and I take her hand, ready to head over to the crowded bar.

Marley stands from her seat as well. “I’ll come with you, I need some popcorn.”

The three of us make our way to the bar, and Marley veers off, filling a few paper boats with popcorn, adding some salt to it. We haven’t even gotten to the bar yet when she returns, handing Josie the second boat of popcorn.

Josie tells her all about how the wedding today went, and of course, Marley is happy for her. I don’t know who wouldn’t be.

I’m so proud of her for standing up for herself, and following her dreams. Her ex has no idea what he’s missing, watching her thrive and grow, doing what she loves.

When we finally make it up to the glossy wood bar, I shout our order to Laila, a girl I went to high school with. She nods, spinning around to get our brews. She serves us quickly, and when I pull my wallet from my back pocket to pay, she waves me off. “Jase said it’s on the house.”

I nod, but still pull a twenty from my billfold. I toss it across the counter, making sure she catches it. “That’s yours,” I say, gesturing to the bill.

She rolls her eyes. “Thanks, but it’s not necessary.”

“Take it, Laila.” I watch to make sure she takes it. With our drinks in hand, we head back to the table. I catch Jason’s eye from across the crowded room, and tip my chin to him in thanks. As soon as our table is in view, a feeling of dread simmers in my belly. A girl is sitting in my chair, obviously flirting with Beau.

She’s definitely younger than he is, with fake platinum blonde hair, and nails that look like they could claw your eyes out. To be fair, Beau doesn’t seem to be paying much attention to her, taking a long pull of the beer he already had when we arrived. Marley doesn’t say a word, but I see the way her face pales. If I didn’t have my hands full, I’d give her a reassuring tap on the shoulder, or a hug or something, but even if I could, she’s moving away from the table faster than I can react.

“Shit,” I mutter. Reaching the table, I set our full glasses down. Josie sits in her chair, and I stand behind her, watching the interaction between Beau and the girl. She hasn’t even noticed our presence. Her fingers are trailing up and down his arm, tracing circles and patterns. I watch as Beau’s hand clenches his cup. Josie leans so that her back is against my chest, tilting her head to look at me.

“I’m going to find Marley,” she says, standing up quietly.

I nod, kissing her lips briefly, watching as she strides away in search of our friend.

I sit down on the stool she vacated, since Beau’s new friend has taken up occupancy of mine. Clearing my throat, I finally get her attention.
