Page 64 of Callum

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Rafe composed himself—barely. “I promise you he’ll like it.”

“But what if he doesn’t?”

“Vivian, it’s a warm, wet mouth wrapped around a dick.”

She flushed.

“He’ll like it. And if you do something he doesn’t like, he’ll tell you. He’ll let you know what he likes and what he doesn’t. Don’t worry about that, just enjoy it.”

“But, aren’t there any tips or tricks or anything?”

“Some, yeah, but everyone is different. What I like, he might not.” Rafe picked up his glass. “Honestly, Vee, I think he likes that you’re innocent; that he gets to be your first, and that he gets to teach you want he likes. Don’t take that away from him by trying to be some pro porn star, deep-throating goddess. You’ll end up hating it if you try that. And then you’ll both be disappointed.”

She sighed. “I’m overthinking it?”

“That’s normal. But let it develop naturally. Do it because you want to and not because you feel like you have to. Be honest with him.”

“I want to do it. I want to try. I keep thinking about it.”

“Then you’re ready.”

“Does it taste weird?”

Rafe almost spit out his wine. He smirked at her. “It’s your mate. He’s going to taste amazing.”


Callum came armed with her favorite wine. After letting Callum know which wine she preferred, Rafe had told him not to bother with glasses.

But before they could get to drinking it, he’d leaned down to kiss her. The small peck he’d intended turned into a make-out session, which had developed into him feeling up her sweet little body, and ended with her coming on his fingers again.

She was so hot and ready, but Callum had to put a lid on his lust. There was still more they needed to settle and discuss before he’d take her innocence.

He wasn’t going to ruin her first experience by rushing things.

After she’d come down from her orgasm, and he’d straightened her clothing, she’d asked if he wanted her to reciprocate.

He wanted to say yes. Hell, he’d give his left nut to jump into their sexual relationship, but he turned her down.

Her hesitantly asked question told him she wasn’t ready yet. If she wanted to touch him, she would. For now, she was still too nervous to take that step.

So instead of taking her up on her offer, he led her outside, where they sat listening to the rain drop off the roof, their legs hanging over the edge of the balcony as they passed the bottle back and forth.

“Was this a lucky guess, or did Rafe tell you?” Vivian asked, motioning to the bottle.

“Rafe told me. And he told me to skip the glasses, so I hope it’s okay.”

She nodded. “It is. Rafe and I do this a lot.”


“Yes. We sit up here, and look out at the forest and share bottles of this wine. Since I was about fifteen.”

Callum grinned. “He let you start drinking at fifteen?”

“It wasn’t often. Generally, we just had a bottle of pop or something.”

“Any other skeletons I should worry about?” His smile was teasing.
