Page 70 of Cross My Heart

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I turn around, leaning my forehead on the door as well.

“Fuck,” he breathes out. “It’s always been you, Greer. I’ve been in love with you since before I even knew what love was. I froze because I felt you deserved better.”

I open the door so I can gaze into his eyes. “Better?” Is he for real? There’s nobody better than him.

His eyes soften as he stares at me. “I felt I couldn’t be the man you needed when my anxiety was controlling me.”

“Roman, we’re a team. I could have helped you.”

“It was something I needed to do alone. I had to learn that anxiety doesn’t control me. That I can overcome it, without my favorite crutch by my side.”

I give him a warm smile. “I’ll always be here for you. I want you to know that.” I suck in a deep breath, wondering if I should tell him I’m pregnant. Will he be upset?

Will it cause his anxiety to spiral out of control?

“I’m in a much better place, Greer. And I love you”—he wraps his arms around my waist—“I want it all with you. Everything. A relationship. Family. Marriage. I want everything.” He leans in and captures my lips with his. The kiss is easy, simple, and I grab hold of him, because I love him just as much.

He breaks the kiss, and gazes into my eyes. “Do you want that too?”

I inwardly cringe, hoping I’m doing the right thing by telling him this quickly. “Yes, I want it all with you, and just so happens we might be getting a family sooner than expected.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “What do you mean? Do you already know I made peace with my mother?”

I stop my train of thought about the pregnancy, and focus on what he just said. “You did?”

“She wasn’t a nice person growing up. It was hard. But I’ve learned to forgive her. There’s no roadmap on how to do everything right. My mother tried, sure it didn’t feel like it most of the time, but in her own way, she tried. Or at least I’d like to hope she did. I have to believe that.”

I wrap my arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry you grew up with a mother who didn’t support you.”

“She never thought I was good enough for you.”

I laugh at that. “I think nobody is good for anyone until they learn to love themselves first. I think once you find the person you want to be with, you need to work on being the best version of yourself for them.”

“I love you,” he tells me again.

It warms me up from the inside out. “I love you too.” Now’s the time. “Also, I’m pregnant.”

For the first time since I’ve known Roman, and I’ve known him a really long time, tears well in his eyes. “Are you serious?”

I nod, hoping he’s just as happy as I am. “Yes. I know the timing isn’t the best, and everything is so new, but…”

Before I can finish my sentence, Roman’s lips are pressed firmly against mine. He kisses me and I can’t stop smiling as he does.

When he breaks the kiss he cups my face in his hands. “I love you so fucking much.” His eyes go wide as he lowers himself to speak to my belly. “I didn’t mean to curse around you.” He places his hands on my tummy. “I love you too. I haven’t even met you yet, but I absolutely love you.”



“I love you so much,” I say, kissing the squishy cheek of my nephew.

You want to know who else I love so much? Roman Thorne.

He lounges beside his twin brother on my living room couch. They’re deep into a discussion about a new woman Ledger can’t seem to get enough of, and as Roman laughs, it’s like a burst of sunshine warming from the inside out.

His laughter is contagious, and I find myself craving more of it. To say Roman’s conquered his anxiety is an understatement. Though he still faces occasional rough patches, they’re steadily diminishing. He’s doing much better, and he knows I’ll always be here to support him. We all will.

The doorbell rings, and I hand my nephew back off to my brother with a grin. “Dad’s here. You nervous?”
