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“Teo called—”

“Is something wrong with Mia or the baby?” Luca’s joking tone was quickly exchanged for a somber one.

“No, nothing like that. He needs us to go pick up the bassinet from Cremona today.”

“Today? Seriously?”

“Yeah. He asked me to go but I don't have a car that big, so he said to ask you to come with me.”

“Ah, so when you needed big you automatically thought of me?”

“Teo thought of you.”

“That's a little less sexy but I'll take it.”

“You're impossible.” I shook my head. “So, are you in or not?”

“A car ride with you for eight hours round trip? Sure, why not?”

“Thanks. I've got the address and everything. Pick me up in an hour?”

“I'll see you then.”


I wasn't particularly looking forward to being stuck in a car with Luca for hours considering the whole office debacle the day before that had resulted in me crying as I drove myself home.

I was dressed and ready to go way before it was time to leave and spent the rest of the time pacing, impatiently peeking out the window, and checking the clock on the wall.

When Luca finally arrived, I didn't wait for him to come to the door, instead, stepping outside before he even made it to the front steps.

“I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long.”

“Not at all. You're right on time.”

“Good. Are you ready to go?”

I nodded, grabbed my purse, and headed down the stairs. Luca held the car door for me as I climbed inside. I was relieved. It seemed that all the tension I'd felt between us had faded to leave only the slightest trace.

“So,” Luca said awkwardly, and I turned from staring out the window to look at him.


“Yesterday at the office...that was some major soap opera type drama.”

I sat up straighter in my seat, ready to rehash the argument. “Luca...”

“I'm sorry,” he blurted out.

“What?” I had not been expecting Luca to apologize unprovoked.

“I'm sorry that I waited until you were seeing someone else to tell you how I feel. That wasn't fair to you. “

“Thank you for saying that.”

“That being said, I don't think he's right for you and I do think that you could do so much better.”
