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“He’s her ex,” Francesca added but Giulietta didn’t look happy.

“We just went out a couple of times.”

“And by went out, she means hooked up with,” Alessia giggled. The glasses of champagne were clearly loosening the other girls’ tongues.

We stepped inside the club, enveloped in the loud pulsing music and flashing lights.

"Come on. We need drinks before we hit the dance floor." Giulietta grinned excitedly and grabbed my hand, winding us through the throngs of people dancing.

I couldn’t help but smile. It had been too long since I’d blown off steam and Giulietta’s upbeat, fun-loving attitude was just what I needed.

We got to the bar and Alessia waved down the bartender. “Four shots of vodka.”

“You got it, beautiful.” The bartender winked at her, and she giggled as he poured the drinks. “First round’s on the house. You ladies have a great time tonight.”

“Thanks.” Francesca stuffed a large tip in the jar before the girls began grabbing their glasses and Alessia handed one to me.

“To cutting loose,” Giulietta held up her shot glass and the three of us followed.

“And to girls’ night,” I added.

“Cin cin,” Francesca cheered, and we all returned the phrase before downing our shots.

“One more.” Giulietta handed her shot back to the bartender and I happily followed along.

“Then we hit the dance floor,” I declared happily.

It was nice to be out having fun after all the hard work and tough times I’d gone through the past year. Ever since my oldest brother had died, it seemed like there was always one crisis after another. I never blamed Teo or Mia for the trouble that seemed to follow them around, but it felt good to be around people who were just there to have fun and feel free and wild.

I let Francesca talk me into one more shot before we finally hit the dance floor but after several songs, I was ready to get off my feet and have another drink.

Giulietta was grinding on some guy while Alessia and Francesca danced together to the delight of several men who flocked around them, enjoying the show. I danced with a couple of guys although my moves were a little milder than the others. I wasn’t looking for a hookup and didn’t want to be too much of a tease.

I tugged Giulietta’s arm to get her attention and raised my voice above the heavy bass of the music. “Why don’t we head to the VIP table for a bit. I could use another drink and get off of my feet for a little while.”

“Sure. I was just about to suggest the same thing.” She nudged the other two to get their attention. “Let’s head to our table. We need drinks.”

“Okay.” Francesca nodded.

“Later boys,” Alessia said teasingly as she pulled herself away from the circle of groping men.

We wound our way through the crowd to the VIP area. I plopped down onto a comfortable large leather sofa with Giulietta, and the other two girls took the leather chairs on each side. In mere moments, a waitress was at our table to take our drink orders.

“We’ll have eight lemon drops,” Giulietta ordered.

“Coming right up.”

“And water for me, please,” I added.

“Water? What’s that for?” Francesca teased.

“All that dancing, I’ve got to stay hydrated.”

“Amateur.” Alessia’s tone told me that she was only poking fun.

“Oh, I’m not even close to an amateur,” I assured her.

“Really? Do tell.” Francesca leaned in.
