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“Thanks again.”

“It’s no problem.”

I drove straight over to the Venturi building. It was nearly empty after business hours as most people hurried home to be with their families.

I went to Teo’s office and made myself comfortable in his large, leather office chair, flipping open his daily agenda and jumped into the work that needed to be done. I was on a business call when there was a soft knock on the door that I could barely hear.

I glanced up to see Mira peeking into the office. I didn’t miss a beat, still talking on the phone as I held up a finger for her to wait.

"Si. Si, alright. I'll call you in the morning..." I hung up the phone and looked at Mira curiously. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for Teo. He was supposed to be bringing Mia and Elio home, but he never showed up, and he wasn't answering his phone."

"Armando ran more blood tests, some of Mia's numbers were off. She’s fine, but they are keeping her for a couple more days. He’s going to stay with her tonight and asked me to wrap up a few things."

"Oh, okay. Thanks." Mira sighed and started to turn away.

I tilted my head, studying her. There was a sadness in her eyes and in her tone that sparked my instinct to hunt down whoever was the cause and make sure it never happened again. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." She turned to walk away but I jumped up from my seat and rounded the desk before she reached the door.

"Bullshit.” I spun her around rougher than I’d meant to. “I know you better than that. What's wrong?"

She turned her face from me, gazing down at the floor. "I'm just feeling a little lost since I've been back."

"How could you be lost? You're back home with your family, where you belong."

"I know it sounds petty or selfish. I mean, Mia and Teo just had their baby. I’ve just gotten very used to being busy with school and helping Nic with the casino or flying back here with all the craziness that has happened over the past year, but things feel so normal now and here I am without school to keep me busy...I know it sounds stupid...”

My heart ached and all I wanted was to comfort her. I tipped her chin up toward me. “You feel adrift. It’s normal but it won’t last. You’ll start your big fancy law firm soon enough and with that nephew of yours coming home soon, I’m sure there will be more than enough for you to do.”

She looked hopeful but a shadow crossed her face. “You’re probably right.”

I let her go and took a step back to give her space, remembering that it wasn’t me that she wanted close to her anymore. Images of her in that Sicilian’s arms at the hospital sent a flare of anger coursing through me. “I’m surprised that you aren’t enjoying the downtime with your new boytoy.” Even though I knew that I had no right to feel jealous, I couldn’t help the bite in what I’d attempted to be a joking tone.

“My what?”

“You know, your family obligation. That Sicilian prick you brought back with you.”

“You mean Stefano? He’s not just some family obligation.”

I scoffed in disbelief. “You mean you’re actually dating him?”

“Yes and he’s great.” The realization was like a knife to the gut, but I couldn’t let her see that.

My eyebrow quirked and I let out a quick, dry laugh. “Spent all that time in Las Vegas with Nic and your poker face is still shit.”

“I’m not lying. Stefano and I started out as a way to placate our fathers, but we hit it off. He’s actually a really nice guy. He’s smart, and successful...”

“Sounds like a great job application,” I said flatly. “But I know what it is that you really need from a man.”

Mira laughed and it only made me angry. “You? You think you know what I need?”

I stepped closer, towering over her, not to intimidate her, but to remind her of the power and electricity that we had when we were close. Her breathing hitched as she began to draw in ragged breaths, and I was glad to see that I could still affect her.

Mira took a step back, but I followed, backing her up until she was pressed against the wall with nowhere to go.

I smiled a wolfish grin and leaned in, resting my arm over her head. I let my body pin her in and brought my mouth close to her ear. My voice was a low growl when I finally spoke. “I know exactly what you need.”
