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This has to be a joke. This cannot be real.

I can’t stop shaking my head, waiting for Charlotte to walk back through the door and say that she was just kidding.

“Fuck!” I shout and kick my hockey bag. “What the fuck?!”

My chest caves in, my breathing quickening and heart racing. I pace back and forth in my living room, trying to grasp what the hell just happened.

Grabbing my chest, I crash to my knees and slam my eyes shut. It hurts. Everything fucking hurts.

She wasn’t ever supposed to become an ex. She was supposed to become my wife. I’ll never feel the same way about someone else. She’s it. That fucking simple. Now, she’s gone.

My eyes open and land on the flowers that she left behind. Her favorite—purple and white tulips. They lie limp on the floor, and I wish I could do the same. I wish I could feel nothing, become nothing.

It looked so easy for her to walk out, as if she were just casually leaving my house—what was supposed to become our house—and didn’t just break my fucking heart. I’ve never seen that side of her, so heartless and cold.

Has she been thinking about this for a while? Did she wake up this morning and realize she didn’t want to be with me anymore?

My throat tightens, and my eyes burn. I rest my head in my hands and do my best to calm my breathing. As I take a deep breath, her scent overwhelms me, invading every part of my body—the same way she has since I met her—and it tears me apart.

I can’t be here. I can’t walk through my house and be kicked down every time I smell the slightest remnant of her.

Forcing myself to my feet with my chest rising as rapidly as ever, I dig my phone out of my bag and call one of my best friends, pacing back and forth in my kitchen as it rings.

Jensen answers with a calm and collected voice, “What’s up?”

I can’t manage to get a single word out, my bottom lip quivering as tears fall from my lashes.

“Reed? I can hear you. What’s going on?” His voice immediately becomes concerned.

I slap the countertop in my kitchen, gasping for air. “She left me, man. She fucking broke up with me.”

Sobs break free from my chest, and I drop back to the ground, unable to hold myself up anymore. The pain is overbearing.

“Oh God, Reed. I’m so sorry…” He trails off before adding, “Be outside in ten minutes. I’m on my way.”

I sigh. “Okay. Can I crash at your place? I don’t want to be here right now.”

Anywhere is better than here, surrounded by her scent and all the memories we made together here.

“Not even a question you need to ask. Of course you can. I’ll be there in a few.” He hesitates. “I’m really sorry, bro.”

“Yeah,” I mumble before hanging up and slapping my phone against my leg.

A scream inside of me begs to be released, but I keep it in. Instead, I throw my phone across the room and watch it smash against my wall, leaving a decent-sized dent behind.

Ignoring my phone on the floor, I rise to my feet and storm off to my bedroom, quickly throwing together some clothes, chargers, and shit to stay at Jensy’s house.

A few minutes later, I’ve managed to semi-calm my breathing, although my heart is still threatening to break through my rib cage and plummet to its death.

Fuck. I gave her every goddamn piece of me I had. How could she do this? I don’t understand…

A car pulling into the driveway thankfully takes me out of my thoughts. Jensen drives up, and relief overtakes me that I can get away from here for a bit. I love my house, but right now, everything I look at reminds me of her. The bed that we shared that still smells like her, the couch that she napped on almost every single day, and the flowers I got her that were supposed to bring a smile to her face but now lie crumpled on my floor.

“Hey,” I mumble as I open his passenger door and slide into the seat, tossing my duffel bag in the back in the process.

“Down for some ice time? Get some anger out on some pucks?” Jensen asks as he backs out of the driveway and pulls away from my house.

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