Page 73 of Chief-of-Security

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Lauren won’t tell me anything else, just laughs every time I look at her sideways as we get plates of food and hang out. Julian is in his element, especially once Carl and his wife join us a little later. Even Emma and Liam manage to stay away from each other during the party and not cause a scene.

After a year of dating, they broke up a few months ago, just after prom. It’s been hard to watch them both hurt, and I’ve done my best not to choose sides, but sometimes that’s how life goes. Liam and I have more of a brother/sister relationship than anything else. Kim and I get along, and I don’t need to step into her relationship with him.

I’m stuffed full of bacon-wrapped dates and other delicious finger foods when Theo stands up, tapping his wineglass to get everyone’s attention.

“First of all, I want to say happy birthday to Julian. Thank you for helping me ensure that Mailbox is a safe space for all employees, and for being a good friend to my Sunshine and others. One day, I hope to be half the man you are.” He pauses, looking around expectantly, until Lauren starts laughing.

“Half the man? Oh my God, Theo made a joke!”

Everyone else cracks up, and he grins until it quiets down. “Second, I don’t want to steal Julian’s thunder, since it is his birthday after all”—there’s a round of cheers and more happy birthdays from the crowd—“but I do have a little announcement to make.”

“Shut the fuck up—is Sophie pregnant?”


Sophie stands up, full wine glass in hand, and hand on hip. She takes a long sip from her glass before glaring at the woman who spoke. “Really, Jess? No, I am not pregnant.”

Lauren mutters something to Frankie about “it’s your damn epilogue,” but I ignore it, like usual. Frankie snuggles into my side, eyeing the dates on my plate. I lean down to whisper in her ear while the commotion goes on around us.

“Do you know what this is about?”

“No idea. Lauren does, but she’s a fucking vault.”

Sutton clears his throat, and everyone quiets down again. “Um, no. Sorry, Sunshine. I didn’t think that would happen.” She pats him on the arm, shaking her head. “Anyway. No. What I was going to announce is that you all are the first guests at our new, doesn’t-have-a-name-yet winery.” He waves a hand around. “That feels a bit anticlimactic now.”

This gets a laugh from all of us.

He keeps talking, but I stop paying attention, more interested in seeing how far under her yellow dress I can slide my hand before Frankie stops me. It doesn’t take long before she slaps her hand on top of mine, trapping it. “Stop it.”

“But it’s my birthday.” My lips graze her ear, making her shiver.

“Yes, but we are in public. Behave.”

I slide my hand a little higher before I stop. “Come outside with me.” I take Frankie’s hand and guide her outside to the back deck. She leans against the railing, looking out over the scenery. For a moment, all I can do is stare at my beautiful woman.

She looks back over her shoulder at me, then jerks her head. “Come here.”

I join her, arms braced on either side of her, the way I know she likes.

With a sigh, Frankie leans her back against my chest, just how I like it. “This place is beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.” I kiss the side of her temple, not taking my eyes off the rolling hills of green trees and lush vegetation.

“Happy birthday, Bullwinkle.” Frankie squeezes my arm, and I look down at her. Softly, she rests her hand against my cheek. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

Turning my head, I press a kiss to her palm. “Not since this morning, Rocky.” It’s been a year and a half together, and I still don’t think Frankie fathoms the depth of my love for her. There’s not a minute of the day that I don’t want her to be happy. To feel safe.

But she doesn’t protest anymore when I remind her. She’s learned to look me in the eye and say it right back. Even better, Frankie loves me just as I am.

She turns a little more, her gaze running over my face. “Well, I do. Thank you for being so patient with me while I figured out what it was I wanted.”

“And what is that?”

“I want us. That’s it. I just want us to be together. I don’t need anything more, as long as I have you.”

I grin. “But what if I offered you more? Would you be unhappy?”

“Depends on the offer.”

“What if I asked you to marry me?” She goes stiff, then melts against me. “Is that a yes?”

“Are you asking?”

I gather her up in my arms, nuzzling her neck. “Not yet. But I will.”

Laughing, Frankie smacks my arm, turning to throw hers around my neck. “You are ridiculous, you know that? But yes. If and when you ask, the answer is yes.”
