Page 61 of Pinot Promises

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I’m in the middle of being grilled by all the women when Sydney stiffens, her face going blank. Turning to look behind me, I see nothing unusual until I look past the crowd of kids to Greg making his way through the door, cane in hand. And that’s when the person holding the door open for Greg comes into view. Nate.

Kel has been careful to keep Sydney from stumbling into Nate, which has been fairly easy since Nate’s still not on great terms with everyone in the family. We’re civil and I will admit he’s trying, but his tendency to snap at Kel or anyone else working the tasting room bothers me, even if it doesn’t seem to upset Kel. Maybe it’s because Kel knows he’ll only be working there for another few weeks. He’s looking forward to the pastry courses he’s signed up for at the local community college next month.

“Sydney?” I keep my voice low, assuming she doesn’t want to draw attention to herself. “Are you okay?” I tuck her arm under mine and drag her with me to look for Ophie. We find her under the stairs holding court with Ava and Olive, who are busy admiring her new nail polish. Ophie pulls us both down and sics the girls on me and my engagement ring.

“I swear, I didn’t know he was coming,” I whisper to Sydney as Olive tells Ava all about how she helped Kel propose via a delicious chocolate cake.

Sydney glances over her shoulder then hunches down. “I know you didn’t. It’s fine. It’s been six months, I knew I’d see him eventually.”

Ophie looks over my shoulder to where the men are talking. “I don’t know how you haven’t seen him until now. I’m impressed by your avoidance skills.”

Sydney groans, resting her head on my shoulder. “I’m being dumb. I know I am. But seeing him walking around like everything is fine after all he did—it makes me irrationally angry.”

“We could spike his drink with a laxative. My mom has one in her purse.” Ava’s face is dead serious as she speaks. Who knew my niece was a little psychopath-in-training?

“Um, no, that’s okay.” Sydney gives me a disbelieving look.

“How do you know Daisy has laxatives in her purse?” Ophie asks her, leaning forward.

“I heard my dad ask her if she’d packed them just in case she got another stick up her A-S-S.”

Ophie, Sydney and I lose all self-control at Ava’s confession, shrieking with laughter. I’m laughing so hard I lose my balance, falling backward and landing on something hard. Looking up, I’m met with the unamused face of Nate.

“What’s so funny, ladies?” he deadpans, which only makes me laugh harder.

“Nothing, nothing.” Ophie giggles as she wipes under eyes.

Sydney is silent, her face beet red, her eyes looking anywhere but at the man towering above me.

Eventually we calm down and everyone settles back into conversation. I’m standing by the snack table, munching on one of Olive’s cupcakes, when Jackie stops in front of me with a wine glass.

“Would you like a glass, dear?” She offers it to me, but I shake my head.

“No thanks, I’m driving.” I wave it away, hoping she doesn’t call me on my bluff, since Kel’s car is the one parked outside.

“Oh, just have a taste. It’s the pinot from last year, just getting ready to go out.” Jackie pours a quarter inch of wine into the bottom of the glass despite my repeated objection.

My mom comes up behind me, wrapping an arm around me. “Maggie, it’s so good to see you so happy. You’re positively glowing.” She kisses me on the cheek.

Jackie’s eyes go wide.

I push up on my tiptoes, hoping Kel is close. I spot him on the couch, Marcus on one side and Dave on the other, chatting animatedly with them. As if sensing my stare, he looks back over his shoulder at me. I jerk my head frantically.

While Jackie babbles something incoherent, Kel pops up and makes his way over. “What’s up, Sprinkles? Everything okay?”

I wind my hand in his, happiness filling every cell in my body. “Everything’s perfect, babe.” I pull him down for a kiss, much to the delight of our three moms.

Kel slides a hand across my lower belly, pressing a kiss to the side of my head and plucking the wine glass from my hand.

Jackie, Rebecca, and my mom all squeal and the volume level in the house goes up exponentially.

Kel and I ignore them, smiling at each other like a pair of fools. “I love you.” he whispers down at me, hand gentle against my nonexistent-but-soon-to-be bump.

“I love you, too.” I grip his hand, unable to do anything but smile.

What else is there to do when everything I’ve ever wanted is right here?
