Page 211 of Ruined Beta

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Dylan comes in behind him with a few huge bags of chips in his arms. “We brought extra snacks.”

Secret’s the next to enter. She’s carrying red cups and paper plates.

She gives me a wry smile. “We thought you could use some help with your evidence and also the guys were hungry so they assumed everyone here would be, too.”

Cassidy is next, and he’s carrying five massive pizza boxes. “Hi, Leanne. E.A.”

“Oh, um, everyone this is E.A., and this is Echo.” It feels a little awkward, mostly because I had no idea they were coming, and I don’t quite feel ready to talk to Secret. This whole thing opened up the wound I carved into my own heart when I let my mom raise her, and it still really hurts.

“Hi,” Secret says, raising her eyebrows at Echo. “You’re an Omega.”

“So are you,” Echo says, sounding excited. “And so’s he. I never get the chance to talk to other Omegas. This is going to be awesome.”

“This is Dylan,” Secret introduces her Omega mate to Echo. “I think you guys have met Seth?”

“Some of us,” Echo says. “Is the Beta his brother? They look so alike.”

“Yeah,” Secret says. “That’s Ryan. The quieter Alpha is Cassidy. Cass for short.”

“Oh, I should go grab Toshi and Spencer,” Echo says. “I’ll be back in a sec, with chairs and the rest of our pack.”

“The folding tables are in the filing room,” E.A. calls after him.

“Got it!” Echo calls back as he leaves.

The entrance hall feels like it’s suddenly gotten smaller, and the pizza smell reminds me I haven’t eaten yet today. I see Seth has five huge pizza boxes in his hands as well as Cassidy, and I raise my eyebrows at Secret.

“That’s a lot of pizza.”

“It’s really not,” she tells me. “Seth could eat two of those on his own.”

“Not all the time,” Dylan defends lightly. “But, yeah, he totally could.”

“He won’t since we’re in mixed company,” Secret assures me. “I know you’re busy, and this stuff is really important, but I was kind of hoping we could talk. Just, you know, if you want.”

I nod, pressing my lips together for a second before I take the cups and plates and set them down on the old reception’s counter.

I hold out my hand. “I’ll show you the offices. We can talk in private through there.”

She looks at Dylan, grabbing a bag out of his hand and shrugging. “We’ll be back soon, okay?”

He nods. “I’ll keep our sniffer dogs from following you.”

She snorts. “Stop calling Seth and Ryan that.”

He grins. “I’ll stop when it stops making you laugh.”

We get to the door as it opens.

Toshi and Spencer carry through a couple of fold out tables and set them down in the middle of the room. Echo wedges the door open and smiles as we step into the main office.

“Uh, hey, I thought we were eating through there?”

“We are. We just need a few minutes to talk,” I tell him. “We’ll be back.”

“Okay, sure,” he says, as he picks up a couple chairs and takes them into the entrance hall.

I lead Secret into E.A.’s office, and I switch the overhead lights on.
