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“Almost four minutes. That’s actually pretty impressive,” I say as his head pops up, and he shakes the water from his face.

He spins toward me, looking surprised. “Oh, hey.”

I prop my hands up on my hips as I stare down at him. “Care to tell me why my husband is still sleeping at eleven a.m. in the morning?”

A coy laugh slips through his lips. “He’s still sleeping?”

“Well, yeah, Dean. He didn’t get home until nearly four o’clock this morning.”

Dean shoots me an apologetic smile. Lowering myself, I sit on the edge of the pool and let my legs dangle in the water as he approaches. I shake my head at him in mock disappointment as he plants his hands on either side of my body.

“It’s not my fault he decided to surprise me at work,” he says.

“Uh-huh,” I reply. “And what exactly did you do at your work in the middle of the night?”

With a wince, he turns his sexy smirk away from me. “I mean, do you really want to know?”

Biting my bottom lip, I fight a smile. “No,” I reply, “as long as I get payback.”

His brows shoot upward flirtatiously. Then he glances behind me at the house. “Where’s that little monster who is bound to interrupt us?” he asks.

“My sister picked her up this morning to take the girls shopping.”

“Oh, so we’re alone then?” he replies as he tugs me closer to the edge of the pool.

I place a hand on his chest. “Let me stop you right there.”

“I already told you a little blood doesn’t scare me,” he says with a wink.

“We are not having sex in my swimming pool in broad daylight,” I reply obstinately. But as he begins unbuttoning my shorts, I can’t help the giggle that escapes.

“Are you sure about that?” he replies in a sultry tone before dragging me into the pool. I let out a shriek as water soaks my clothes, but he quickly quiets my screams with his lips against mine.

When I’m with Dean, it’s like nothing else exists. He treats me differently than everyone else, like an entire person, separate from a mother and a wife. I’m lost to the world when I’m in his arms, which is probably why I don’t hear the car door slam in the distance.

“Knock, knock, we’re back early?—”

Dean tears himself away from me as I turn to see my sister standing in the yard, staring down at us with her mouth agape. It feels like she stands there forever, just staring. Then she quickly turns away nervously.


“Felicity had a little accident, so we had to cut our shopping trip short.” Juliet starts pacing wildly as if she doesn’t know how to behave.

“It’s okay,” I stammer as I climb out of the pool. I glance back at Dean awkwardly, who exits from the other side, grabbing a towel to dry off.

“I’ll be…uh, over there,” he stutters as he disappears toward his apartment.

I wrap one of the spare towels around myself as I stare at my sister, waiting for her to acknowledge me.

“Abby’s already in the house,” she stammers without looking at me.

“Juliet,” I say, trying to get her attention.

“Um, I’ll just… I’ll just go,” she says.

“Juliet, wait,” I say, calling after her. “It’s not what you think.”

She spins toward me, meeting my gaze with hers for the first time. “Not what I think? Because Ithinkwhat I saw was your new tenant with his hands all over you in the pool and the two of you making out like teenagers.”
