Page 6 of Temp Defense

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A comforting warmth touched her skin, and a light whisper in her thoughts urged her to put on the necklace.

“It wants me to put on the necklace.”

“It wants?” He seemed surprised.

“Yes. There is more information dumping into my head, but it doesn’t make sense.” She paused. “There is information dumping into my head, Lord Renith.”

“Call me, Jarol. Please.”

“I couldn’t.” She looked at him.

“You really should.”

She stared at him, and there was another shape standing overlapped with his. “I must have collided with the desk harder than I thought.”

The other shape bowed low and receded into Jarol.

“Uh, Lord Renith, did you just feel anything?”

“No. Why?”

“I saw... something.”

“What else are you seeing?”

“A spirit overlaying yours. He’s very polite.”

He smiled at her. “Really?”


“Excellent. It is definitely progress. You are still getting information?”

“Yes. There is a lot. I will have to continue this tomorrow.”

“Why don’t you continue this tonight? I am sure the military will not let you leave the mansion tonight. What do you like to eat? I will have the housekeeper prepare something.”

“What do you mean I can’t go home?” She stared at him.

“You are the only person who has been able to touch the artifacts. They need you.”

A new arrival spoke. “We certainly do, Miss Preller. You are requested to remain here, under guard, until we understand the artifacts completely.”

She looked at the man, and there was no spectre on him. He was just made of rich brown skin, grey hair, and discipline. He looked like he slept standing up.

Lord Renith smiled and looked relieved. “Mr. Tangero. It is such a relief that they sent you.”

She looked at him, and his aura came out. It was a pleasant pale blue. It was nice and calm.

The man stepped toward her and then paused. “I am pleased to meet you, Miss Preller. What do you need to make yourself comfortable here?”

“Someone has to feed my cat. Definitely. And... uh, a few changes of clothing? Is the thing happening soon?”

Mr. Tangero nodded. “Our readings indicate that it is.”

“So, enough clothing to get me through until it’s over. And if one hair on my cat’s head is injured, I am not going to be happy.”

The man inclined his head. “Interesting. Well, Lord Renith, will you host it for the duration?”
