Page 26 of Balancing Act

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A lump formed in my throat, stubborn and unyielding. “Mama, I'm not Dad.”

“No, you're not,” she agreed, giving my hand a squeeze. “But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Gray Anderson. You've got his eyes, his build . . . and his work ethic. Please, don't have his regrets too.”

The silence that followed was thick, charged with unspoken promises and fears. I nodded, unable to trust my voice, the ghost of my father's laughter echoing in my ears.

“Promise me you'll live, Gray. Truly live. Find some happiness with your one life.” Her blue eyes held mine, fierce and unrelenting.

I sighed, leaning against the granite counter. Mama always had a way of steering right to the heart of things, like a compass finding north. “Alright, I’ll try.”

“That’s all I ask.”

“Not exactly,” I muttered, but couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Speaking of happiness,” she said with a mischievous glint, “tell me all about Eryn Blake.”

My heart skipped, but I played it cool, reaching for a napkin. “What about her?”

“Come now,” Mama prodded, lips curving into a knowing smile as she took the seat across from me. “A beauty like that here in our town, going on a trail ride with my son? The grapevine sure is talking.”


“Is she as nice as she seems online?”

“Online? What, you follow her or whatever?”

“Of course I do, don’t you?”

“I don’t even have any of those apps. I didn’t know you did.”

“Oh son, you really need to get with the times.”

“Yeah, so says everybody.”


“Well what? Yes, she was perfectly nice.”



“You seem a little worked up over something that shouldn’t work you up. Unless of course, she did work you up.”

“Don’t try word play, that sounded wrong.”

“Well, I’m just saying, I think she’s a nice girl and it wouldn’t hurt you to offer to show her a night on the town.”

I dropped my half-eaten sandwich back on my plate. “Why the hell would I do that?”

“To be friendly? Hospitable? Heaven forbid, maybe enjoy a date with a beautiful woman?”

“No point. She’s only here for vacation. And I’m sure she has plenty of suitors lining up.”

“No one as handsome and strong and smart as my son.”

“You’re a damn meddler, and I called it right away.”

“Too bad you can’t get rid of me.”

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