Page 27 of Balancing Act

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I shook my head, still smiling despite myself. Mama always knew how to push my buttons and then dance away before the explosion. And damn if she wasn't right more often than not.



The next morning, Zaya, Enzo, and I piled into the Jeep to go view the property for sale. Skylar hung back on account of her sore muscles. The horseback ride had done a number on her and she was content to not move all day.

Zaya had managed to get a hold of the listing agent, and while Z wasn’t licensed in Montana, she could still assist in the showing, and potential sale. And as she was the only agent I trusted, I needed to make sure she was on board.

“Alright, are we ready to decide your future?” she asked, pulling out of our driveway and onto the country road that led up to Red Downs.

“When you say it like that, it feels big.”

“It is big.”

“Yeah, but . . . bigger than big. Scary big.”

“It’s just a showing. You don’t have to decide anything. You might hate it.”


But in my heart, I knew I already loved it. I couldn’t explain why it called to me, but it did. Just like downtown Whittier Falls had. Home.

I wasn’t about to admit that to my friends though. They’d probably drag me back to California and pull a 5150 on me.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the farm and parked at the front of the pebble driveway.

The old farmhouse stood resolute, despite the obvious weathering from age. It’s yellow color was faded to more of a cream and parts of the paint flaked and peeled. The trim was painted white, or had been white at some point, but now looked like a dusty gray. Weeds grew up through the bushes in front of the porch, and the grass was six inches too long.

But it was perfect.

“That will be the listing agent,” Zaya said, looking out the driver’s side window to where a man in a pickup truck parked on the other side of the driveway. “I’m going to go get the scoop from him away from you.” She winked. “Sometimes they’re more honest when the potential buyer isn’t around.”

“Do your thing, bella,” Enzo chimed from the back seat.

“Feel free to start looking around. We’ll join you in a few,” Z said, before sliding out of the car in badass boss mode.

I watched her approach the other agent. Clearly, a long-time local with his jeans and cowboy boots. He looked Zaya up and down as if unsure what to think of her, but they soon began chatting.

Enzo opened his door. “Guess that’s our cue.”

“Look at this place,” I whispered, stepping out of the car. The air was scented with wildflowers and earth waiting to be tilled.

“Charming,” Enzo agreed, though his tone suggested he saw more work than charm.

“Imagine morning yoga sessions right here, overlooking the fields,” I said, gesturing toward the expanse of untamed land stretching out before us. “Oh I could plant lavender in the summer! Maybe. I guess I need to see if the climate is right for that.”

“And there,” Enzo pointed to a dilapidated barn in the distance, “could be your studio.”

“Exactly! Yoga, pilates, we can even do art therapy.” My heart raced with possibility. “It's perfect, Enzo. It needs love, sure, but it's perfect.”

“Ah, to see the world through your eyes for just a day,” he mused, his arm looping through mine as we explored the perimeter.

“Through my eyes, huh?” I chuckled. “More like through my rose colored glasses.”

“Same difference, bella.” His laughter mingled with mine, echoing against the silent backdrop of the old farm.

“He said the door’s open, go on in!” Zaya called.
