Page 64 of Loving Gabe

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“I know how much she means to you. I’ve been watching you. I’m thinking you need an incentive to do what I need,” he says in a cold voice.

“You won’t get your hands on my money,” Gabe seethes in rage.

“I will if you want your woman to live,” his father says sounding like he’s bored.

A commotion from the doorway draws his attention, and I relax my shoulders knowing it’s my brothers.

Gabe takes the moment to rid himself of his mother before coming at his father.

His father turns his head to see Gabe coming for him before pointing the gun at me and firing.

A fear races through me, but Gabe steps in front of the bullet. I look at the wide surprise of his eyes as the bullet hits him.

Gabe’s father is taken down by Chase as Gabe and I crash to the ground.

I wrap my arms around Gabe as he falls on me, but my finger begins to soak with blood.

“Gabe!” I scream.

Dylan and Nolan help him off of me, and I see the blood pouring from his side as his face goes pale.

“We need to get him to the hospital,” Chase says, looking down at his best friend.

The guys make quick work of getting Gabe in the truck and racing him to the hospital. I hold his head in my lap.

“Please be okay,” I whisper, my voice cracking.

“I love you so much,” he whispers as his eyes start to close.

“Don’t do that. It’s not time to say your goodbyes,” I choke out.

We make it to the hospital as his eyes fall closed and do not reopen. People rush out and take him away from me. Nolan holds me back as I cry.

“It’s okay, sis. He’s going to be okay,” he keeps saying over and over again.

“I can’t lose him,” I cry.

“You won’t,” he says as he takes me to have a seat in a chair.

My brothers and parents come in and surround me, offering me their support.

The tears don’t stop falling as I wait to hear about Gabe.

Hours later, the doctor comes in and informs us that the bullet missed his major organs, and he will make a full recovery. I sag in relief at those words.

He’s going to be okay.

Once they have him in a private room, I follow the nurse as she takes me to him.

He’s sleeping, but I take a seat beside the bed and take his hand in mine.

I finally understand what he was feeling when I was the one in the hospital bed.

The fear that you are going to lose the one you love. I don’t know how I could take my eyes off of Gabe after being so very close to losing him.

Everyone tries to get me to leave and get some rest, but I don’t leave his side. Eventually, Greg comes with clothes for me to change into.

I try to clean up, but I’m shaking the whole time.
