Page 65 of Loving Gabe

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When the door opens, I look up to see my mother. She closes the door behind me and helps me get cleaned up.

This makes me feel like a little kid again. She patiently washes all the blood off me before helping me get changed, and gives me a hug before I head back into the room.

I head straight to Gabe’s side. I ignore all the conversations going on around me as I keep my eyes on him.

Everything was a fucked-up mess. I can’t believe his parents would do this. They were supposed to love him and take care of him, but instead they chose to only care about themselves. They were willing to destroy everything he loved just to get all of his money.

It goes to show how money can reveal people’s true colours.

I’m glad his parents are out of our lives, and I don’t bother to ask what happened to their bodies.

Sure, I feel bad that Kalen and Stella got tricked and dragged into this, but that is their own fault. They lost their own lives for their own stupid, selfish reasons.

The risk to my life and Gabe’s is over, and now it’s my turn to take care of him.

I thought he was smothering me when roles were reversed, but now I can see where he was coming from.

Chapter Twenty


When I wake up, I feel my body ache, and the pain in my side is excruciating.

The memory of my parents trying to get my money through threatening to hurt Aubrey returns to me and I feel the exact dread I felt in that moment.

I open my eyes and see her beside me. Her head is resting on the bed as she sleeps. Her hand is in mine.

“Babe?” I croak out.

She opens her eyes and instantly becomes alert when she sees me.

“Gabe! You’re awake,” she says while breathing a sigh of relief.

“Are you hurt?” I ask through the dryness in my mouth.

She shakes her head. “Just some scrapes and bruises, but I’m okay. Let me get the doctor.”

She gets up and leaves before I can say anything else. In less than a minute, a doctor and nurse follow her inside my room and start checking me over.

I answer their questions, but I barely take my eyes off Aubrey, making sure she’s really okay. She looks shaken up more than anything.

When they finally leave and have her alone, I ask her what’s wrong.

“There was just so much blood. I thought I lost you,” she says through tears. I gently pull her into my arms as she lets the tears fall. I know that fear all too well.

“What happened after?” I ask her.

“I don’t really know. We rushed you to the hospital and I didn’t bother asking what my brothers did with the place,” she admits.

When she gets out her phone to call her family, it occurs to me that I know exactly what they did with the place.

They would have covered up everything that happened. We don’t need the media attention that comes from being involved in something like that.

“It’s my turn to take care of you,” she says with a small smile.

I smile softly back at her. I don’t mind her taking care of me.

When her family comes in, Susan rushes to give me a hug.
