Page 7 of Loving Gabe

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A light blush comes over her face. “Well that’s pretty obvious, at least to me. You shut off your phone and turn yourself off from the world. My brothers would always wonder, but every time I come to my parents’ house a few days early, I always saw your lights on. I figured you needed the headspace you get from being alone. Sorry I’m crashing it this year.” She says the last part with a wince.

I shake my head. “No, that’s okay. Your parents and brothers should have been back two days ago but, you know, meetings and extended cruises.”

She laughs and nods her head. “Yeah; sometimes my parents and I don’t have the best communication.”

I nod my head, but I don’t say anything to that. They wanted Aubrey to go to school and choose a career, although I always knew that wasn’t something she wanted to do. She could be anything she wants, but I think she would just be happy with her cooking vlog that she doesn’t think her family knows about. We all know about it but have just been waiting for her to tell us.

She has quite a good following and completely loves it. I don’t think that I have ever seen her as happy and carefree than in her cooking videos.

Yes, I completely watch her videos like a fool, but I always made sure that I knew all aspects of Aubrey’s life; even if I want to ring the neck of some of the assholes she has dated.

She’s too good for them. I don’t think there is anyone in the world who would be good enough for her.

“I just binge watch movies. I usually bring a whole bunch pre-downloaded, so I don’t have to worry about not getting a signal here. Then I read or work out. I have to keep myself busy to fight the urge of turning my phone on because it’s hard to shut off work, but I made it a mission to do so every year for this one week,” I tell her honestly.

“That’s great. Feel free to do all that. Just pretend that I’m not here. I’m just going to relax or something,” she says like I could ever just forget she’s here.

There is no way in hell that is ever going to happen.


I head back into the guest room with an excuse to shower after I clean up after breakfast.

My phone goes off with a message, and I roll my eyes when I looked at it.

Kalen: I’m sorry, baby. Please talk to me.

Fat chance. He isn’t worth my time anymore. Besides, I have plans of my own.

I wore my shortest sleep shorts this morning in hopes to get a reaction from Gabe, or at least the reaction I had been hoping for from him.

He may have been quiet but, when he thought I wasn’t looking, I could see his eyes eating me up. That was definitely the reaction I had been hoping would come out of him. There was no denying the heat in his eyes.

I felt like Gabriel wanted me the way I wanted him, but held back because of my brothers. That’s going to change. It has to. I can’t keep hiding these feelings anymore. Seeing him after so long has brought the feelings all back

This time we were alone, and no one was going to get in my way.

When I get out of the shower, I look out the window to see that it had snowed overnight. Not just a little bit either. I had noticed it slowly getting worse with each minute we took to get here, but I didn’t expect to only see the outline of Gabriel’s SUV, due to the snow covering it, the next day.

It looks like we were going to be completely snowed in.

This actually might be perfect. A mischievous smirk comes to my face.

With my robe around me and nothing else, I stand and watch as the snow continues to fall from the sky.

Sometimes it’s a pain to have it snow, but I could use this to my advantage.

We both are going to be stuck here until the snow stops and they plow the roads. No one is getting in or out of here.

Gabe can’t hide from me now. There is nowhere for him to go.

“Aubrey, it doesn’t look like your family will be here tomorrow. There is no way that they can plow before then. It’s still coming down hard,” Gabriel says as he walks into my room and freezes the second that I turn around.

He looks like a deer caught in headlights.

I let my robe slip off one of my shoulders and watch him as he swallows hard.

“I-I’m sorry,” he stutters out, trying to look everywhere but at me.
