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I mean, I drive up to Pinecrest Peak and meet a guy on the way. I decided to have some silly, irresponsible fun and have a one-night stand. Then, I get to Pinecrest Peak and discover it’s not the place I want to use as a home base as I figure out what to do with my life. It’s actually what I want to do with my life. Then, it turns out the guy I met on the way lives here. Then, it turns out he wants more than just the one-night stand.

And then it’s six months later.

I mean, how do things line up like this? It’s not even like a movie or something like that because in a movie there would be all these stupid challenges along the way, right? His ex-girlfriend would show up or I’d mistake something he says or does to mean some sort of betrayal. I mean, there are thousands of challenges Hollywood pulls out to make those things interesting.

Me, I just ended up with a perfect man and a perfect relationship.

It sure as hell doesn’t make a lot of sense. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. Of course, I probably couldn’t complain very effectively right now even if I wanted to. It’s hard to come up with the words to complain when I’m on my hands and knees and my fingers are digging into the grass as Jacob’s thrusts into me so hard it’s a wonder that he doesn’t break me.

I’m moaning like some kind of two-dollar whore, and there’s something kind of cool about that because my moans mingle with the sounds of the squirrels, the birds, and the other critters. Of course, the whole situation is particularly cool just because of how we’re outside. I can feel the breeze against my naked body, and until you’ve felt an outdoor breeze on you in the middle of sex, you just can’t really comprehend how good that feels.

He has a pretty firm hold of my hips, and I love it when his grip tightens. It means he’s about to go crazy, and I love when he goes crazy. In anticipation of that moment, I tighten my hands in the grass and push myself back against him. He’s already thrusting rapidly and forcefully. Each thrust already delivers a burst of pleasure. When he goes crazy, though, I’m going to lose sight of everything as the sensations blend together in an essentially impossible way.

And my orgasm hits.

It hits before he goes crazy.

And that’s a really scary thing.

When Jacob goes crazy, it’s already a lot to take. For me to be cumming before he even starts, though, is terrifying. The worst part about it is I’m so worked up when I cum that I can never manage to beg him to slow down or stop.

As the orgasm crests, my body locks up like I’m some kind of bizarre statue, like I looked at that Medusa creature right in the most compromising and embarrassing position anywhere. My abs tighten up like nobody’s business, and I’m only vaguely aware of anything other than how my body is completely frozen in place, every one of my muscles locked up. All the while, I feel the sun on my skin and the breeze on my body. The reminder than we’re outdoors adds to the power of everything. I tremble while my body is locked and wait. Then, it happens. My body unlocks, and I flood with pleasure. I manage a choked, “Jacob…” and that’s when he goes crazy.

Let me see if I can spell that out for you.

Um, just imagine this giant, muscular man behind a girl on all fours. Now, I’m a hundred and two pounds soaking wet, if that gives you any idea of how tiny I am.

And he moves his body like a jackhammer. I mean, when his cock slams into me, I scream but don’t get any noise to come out because there’s no way my lungs are going to give me any voice at all. Every one of his thrusts makes the pleasure I’m already experiencing even more powerful, and that’s a damned difficult thing to handle because what I’m already experiencing is too much to take.

I’m utterly helpless.

I’m just completely and utterly helpless, totally at this man’s mercy.

And Jacob isn’t showing any mercy here. Any chance I might have of keeping my mind intact for the next little while disappears. I don’t know how to explain it. I don’t know how to describe being pushed beyond what I can handle and yet handling it. I don’t know how to describe what it’s like to go from that moment of somehow handling it to suddenly being pushed beyond a new limit of what you can handle.

I’m talking about that happening every few seconds!

It really reaches the point where you start to think that you’re never going to feel normal again, if that makes any sense. Of course, for me, it always reaches the point where I just don’t care at all if I feel normal. I don’t care at all if I ever feel normal again. This kind of abnormal is a pretty happy place to be.

Chapter Six

One Year Later

I guess I’m what the bikers call a citizen wife. At least, I will be in another week after Jacob and I are married. I don’t know what I am now, a citizen fiancé maybe. I guess the point is that I’m not in any way involved with the club. I might interact with them the way that Nina does but I won’t go to events or anything like that.

I have to tell you, I kind of love that.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being involved in some of the club functions. It’s not for me, though. I’m a numbers girl, not a… well, not an anything else girl. It’s kind of strange to realize that and to be at peace with that. I guess I just needed to reach a point in my life where it felt like I wasn’t being, I don’t know, pushed into it.

Oh, who cares?

The point is that I have the most wonderful man on Earth and I’m like his special refuge from the craziness that a life like his can sometimes be. I know this kind of life wouldn’t be for everyone but I don’t really care about that. It works for me, and it works on many different levels. Maybe the best of all is that I still have my bad boy but he keeps all of the bad boy stuff away from me.

Right now, I’m finishing up a financial statement that Nina will be able to use at the bank. She’s looking to borrow two-thousand dollars to get supplies for a pretty successful crafts business. It feels good to help her. It’s kind of crazy to think about how I’ll be moving out. Of course, we’ll be next-door neighbors. Jacob and I are going to live about a half-mile away, which is next door in this area.

When I think back to that crazy night on the way to Pinecrest Peak, it always brings a smile to my face. I can remember feeling incredibly nervous. I can also remember feeling like everything that happened was entirely out of character for me. I wasn’t the kind of girl who did a one-night stand and if I were going to do a one-night stand (which I wouldn’t), I wouldn’t do it with a guy as dangerous as the one I was with. I think back on that night and how it was probably the most transformative night of my life.

I mean, things worked out, right? I have Jacob forever.

But the truth is, my life changed that night regardless of my relationship with Jacob. That night changed my perspective on a lot of things. No, I’m not saying that I just got a good fucking and it cleared my perspective on life. What did happen, though, is that I got the opportunity to make a decision that wasn’t typical. I think that was what transformed me. I think it was just a reminder that I have the right to decide what goes on in my life and…

Well, and here I am. I guess there are people who probably wouldn’t interpret events the same way that I do but it’s my life so they can just fuck right off, you know.

I feel Jacob’s hands on my shoulders and I let out a hum of happiness at his touch. I feel his lips on my cheek and he says, “Anything special going on today, beautiful girl?”

“Every day is special,” I reply. He flashes a smile and says goodbye to work.

Or, whatever you want to call what he does all day.

I can tell you what I do all day. I live a happy, happy life.
